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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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I'm on the look out for two mods. One that makes it so I can make 'caches'. Like, craft/find a bag/chest drop a bag/chest, feel it with stuff, come back later and pick up the bag/chest and the stuff inside it. Obviously it shouldn't respawn.


Another mod I am looking for is something that makes a lot more stuff that should be stealing, stealing. Like, crops, and other various things like the armor/weapons near sky forge. Basically anything that is in a city that someone else should logically own should not be okay to just walk up and take lol


EDIT; also, I'm looking for an ENB that makes metal really shiny, without making fur shiny. I remember finding one like that a while back I really liked, but I can't remember what it was. It actually metal the metal from my armor glimmer in the sunlight.

EDIT2; found a mod that makes stealing crops stealing lol


Edited by ArtMurder
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I'm on the look out for two mods. One that makes it so I can make 'caches'. Like, craft/find a bag/chest drop a bag/chest, feel it with stuff, come back later and pick up the bag/chest and the stuff inside it. Obviously it shouldn't respawn.


Another mod I am looking for is something that makes a lot more stuff that should be stealing, stealing. Like, crops, and other various things like the armor/weapons near sky forge. Basically anything that is in a city that someone else should logically own should not be okay to just walk up and take lol


EDIT; also, I'm looking for an ENB that makes metal really shiny, without making fur shiny. I remember finding one like that a while back I really liked, but I can't remember what it was. It actually metal the metal from my armor glimmer in the sunlight.

EDIT2; found a mod that makes stealing crops stealing lol



the point of crops not being counted as stolen is so that the player can "harvest" the crops, then give it back to the land owner so he/she can pay you for your "hard work". but of course, if that's how you feel about the crops i don't blame you. bethesda never really gave us more depth on helping farmers out.

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I'm on the look out for two mods. One that makes it so I can make 'caches'. Like, craft/find a bag/chest drop a bag/chest, feel it with stuff, come back later and pick up the bag/chest and the stuff inside it. Obviously it shouldn't respawn.


Another mod I am looking for is something that makes a lot more stuff that should be stealing, stealing. Like, crops, and other various things like the armor/weapons near sky forge. Basically anything that is in a city that someone else should logically own should not be okay to just walk up and take lol


EDIT; also, I'm looking for an ENB that makes metal really shiny, without making fur shiny. I remember finding one like that a while back I really liked, but I can't remember what it was. It actually metal the metal from my armor glimmer in the sunlight.

EDIT2; found a mod that makes stealing crops stealing lol



the point of crops not being counted as stolen is so that the player can "harvest" the crops, then give it back to the land owner so he/she can pay you for your "hard work". but of course, if that's how you feel about the crops i don't blame you. bethesda never really gave us more depth on helping farmers out.


well, like the description of that mod says, if "random freelance agriculture is an import part of your skyrim experience, this mod probably isn't for you." I'm using requiem, and I got enough wheat for FIFTY health potions from one field of wheat, because it makes it so that some alchemy ingredients sometimes drop multiples. not to mention all the cabbage and potatoes I can snag for RND. Realism or taste aside, it's just unbalancing. And random freelance agriculture was something I never did anyways, most of the time if i did sell a ton of cabbages to someone, I had actually found them somewhere else lol I just look at it as the farmers will buy YOUR crops. The only 'job' I ever did in skyrim like that was chopping wood anyways, and that remains intact.


Also, I found a mod for the caches I was talking about. I had to make some edits to the ESP to get it useable, but it works quite well!


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I'm looking for a sort of camera mod for dialogues. I don't really like that we can't see our character in dialogues at all. I spend some time creating looks of my hero and it would be nice to sometimes see it's face during conversations (it could be like few seconds at my char, then back to NPC's face or something like that). Is there any mod that works similar? possible to create?

Edited by tomek8pl
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Is there a mod to change the color of the crosshair? I have trouble seeing the current grey one against the winter landscapes.

Not that I know of, but I'll see if I can't figure out how to do that right quick, it should be very simple to make it red.


No promises though. lol


EDIT; Actually, turns out that's a bit more complex then I thought it would be. I'll have to take a look at it again later. lol

Edited by ArtMurder
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I'm looking for a mod that changes the constellation graphics on the perk trees - not the perks, just the background star constellations. I can't seem to find anything, but I remember several...

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