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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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I know I had this mod before. But now with the new computer and all I can't seem to find it. It's a mod that contained two different kinds of tails. One tail was like a skeleten(sp) tail with blades on the tip and the other tail was like a ring metal sort of tail. I wish I had a picture but I don't. These tails however are craftable and are under the MISC(I believe) section in the forge.

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Hi everyone,


Do you guys know what the name of the HUD on these screen wich display the followers status (health,magicka,stamina)







Hope you find guys , i realy want it :smile:


That's Extensible Follower Framework. Available here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933/?

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Hello, and btw, it's really awesome that you offer this service! I haven't been using mods very long for Skyrim, and I'm really glad to find a place where I can ask questions about things.


On that note, I'm looking for a mod that adds a buildable patch of land somewhere in the Riverwood/Whiterun/Etc area. Or just some info on how to do it myself. On that note, it doesn't have to be purchaseable (I wouldn't mind getting the land for free), it does have to be buildable (I don't want a ready made house), but if any mod exists that adds a plot of land with a burned down shack or something and then you can rebuild a house there, that would be AMAZING and add a great backstory for my character! Anyway, as I said, I'd prefer it in that area, and I can't seem to find any place that isn't already built. No offense to the great people who build houses, but I want to play a character who makes EVERYTHING herself. >:D


Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read and help me!

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What mod to make a character like this? The texture and shape look cool especially the skin colour. I've been searching and tried "loversgirl" with "SG female pack" and it didn't work. Sure it was nice but the skin didn't get as good as this. Any idea? Please?



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Wondering if there's a mod that fills in missing weapons tiers in SkyRe? I know Nodachis and Glaives have this issue, with Nodachi tiers going Iron, Silver, Steel, and Daedric, and the only available Glaives being Elven, Orcish, Ebony, and Daedric.

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hello i been trying to find a mod that combines the duel wield sheaths with shield on backs and quiver on lower back but at the moment i can only find duel sheaths and shield on back combined and arrows on back separate so i'm asking is there one or a way to make them work together nicely?


Using Vanilla base and using many re-textures environment and equipment and hair and skin modifications all vanilla based and vanilla friendly

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What mod to make a character like this? The texture and shape look cool especially the skin colour. I've been searching and tried "loversgirl" with "SG female pack" and it didn't work. Sure it was nice but the skin didn't get as good as this. Any idea? Please?




Should be this one : Pretty Face by tktk : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7887/

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Hi everyone,


Do you guys know what the name of the HUD on these screen wich display the followers status (health,magicka,stamina)







Hope you find guys , i realy want it :smile:


That's Extensible Follower Framework. Available here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933/?


The stats bars are avaible only with the beta version.

Edited by Lurihaut
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