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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Does anyone have any knowledge of any mod, that would allow to play the main quest as an Evil Character?


The main quest line is really made for a hero, but I would like to go through it to become even more of a threat than Alduin. It could be as simple as changing the dialogue/dialogue options, or it could change the whole thing.


I did heard of a mod called Main Quest Overhaul, but it seems to be dead, and either way, I cannot find any place where I could get even the incomplete or a beta version.


Help a guy out, will you? I've already spent hours looking for anything like this.

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Hi everyone.

I want to play skyrim without using anything which makes the game feel like a game.


The first thing is I don't want to use any hud information like stamina stealth or some writing on the screen which says what it is. I want to get these informations with some visual or sound affects or maybe some text on the items.

Another thing is I also don't want to use the map. I want to figure out where I am myself. Although I can use the map where I can see in game but not the vanilla one is there any mod also help me do that.


I also want to ask people about where I am or how can I go somewhere rather than looking map. For the last one I was thinking making a mod myself but I want to be sure if is there any mod like that. I also here if people wants that kind of mod and which way should I handle it with general or some NPCs with different text.


Alright, I might have something for you. Keep in mind that I haven't personally tried all of these myself, so do be careful when testing them.


Also to note, practically all these mods will require SkyUI to configure them with MCM.


First: Immersive HUD - iHUD This Mod allows you to toggle most of the basic HUD elements on or off- including the compass, health/stamina/magicka bars, stealth indicator and crosshair. You can turn them completely off, or toggle them on and off on a key press, or when you enter combat, you name it. You can also make them transparent so that you can't see them. Does require SKSE.


Second: Important Information Overhaul No Healthbars? No problem. With this one when you get hurt, your screen will turn more and more red, when that stamina get's low, everything goes blurry, and when your out of magicka, all the color drains from the world. You can adjust when and how strongly these effects take place.


Third: No Enemy Healthbars Does exactly what it says on the tin: You won't be able to see enemy heathbars, ever. It doesn't change your other HUD elements though, so you will need these other ones for that.


(The next 2 are for if you will use your compass, if only to check the direction.)


Fourth: No More Location Markers On The Compass removes all the location markers from the compass. You won't be able to see if any location of note is near you via compass.


Fifth: No Enemies On Compass removes the enemy indicators from the compass.


As for the removal of any and all written notifications, sorry. I don't know any, though a search through the nexus User Interfaces and Immersion categories will likely yield results. Though if you can't find any, there's always TTYM - Think To Yourself Messages. This mod will make all the text notifications to appear in first person, helping with the immersion.


I hope at least some of these were of use to you, have a good day.

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@ daedriccat: The liptint makes me think that's Better Females by Bella.


I use Bella's Better Females. The lips aren't that full, and the coloring doesn't fill completely with lip tintmask replacers. The eye makeup is different, too. I think this is a different face texture.



Have you tried the other make-up options under Better Female's download section? The person who made the character in the screenshot could have added more layers of eye make-up on top of what was provided on the diffusemap they're using. They may also have chosen a fuller lip. You may have to play around with the make-up options in RaceMenu to get that look. There's also Better Females Natural Edition if you haven't seen it yet. You can also check out lip mods like Pretty Lips.


It's also hard to figure out if they are using another skin texture depending on the post-processing effect that was applied to a game. Some ENBs have blurring effects that makes it hard to recognize details on the skin that would be needed to identify the exact skin mod they are using.


I've used variations of Bella's and the Natural Edition, and checked out other textures over the years. I've been experimenting with different lip tint masks and getting something close. I've got the eyes and nose where I want them. I just wanted to make sure that there isn't a face/tint texture out there that already that gave those kind of lips.


Thanks for the ideas. :smile:

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Regarding iHud, I have just started testing this mod & you should be able to get all the effects (except maybe no health bars for your character?) of the additional mods Bringerofdoom mentioned with this one mod alone, to a lesser degree. I have found that when I make changes in the mods menu they don't always activate in my game - but this is fixed for me by saving, quitting to desktop & reloading. You may not be able to remove all markers from the compass, but you can hide the compass & only bring it up when you choose to.

Edited by ElioraArin
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I had a mod that gave me a spell to summon my followers to me, and when you access a follower you get a wheel of options, including Equipment and inventory. It was amazing. I can't find it!

I thought for a second that I had found it,



But unfortunately that mod doesn't seem to create that effect, I believe it simply supports it. My hunt continues.

Edited by Northforge
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