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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hiya I'm trying to find a good but simple bandit or outlaw type player home. Something very similar to what most the bandits live in, a camp, cave, tower, whatever but with all the essential crafting stations and room for a few followers. I'm wanting something very basic and simple, with no extra npcs or quests or too complicated features, just something useful for your average bandit.

hmmmm... simple yet, fully functional. Easy to obtain.


Try this mode; Rayek's End.


Kinda fits what you're looking for? but slightly lavish...just slightly... :)

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Hi there, i need some help finding a long lost mod that features a random werewolf howl in the wild on the nights, i remember it didnt have to spawn creatures to play that sound... searching for this nearly a year now, please any lead will help
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Frost Fall


WOw thanks that makes it much eeasier for me than watching a bunch of vids and reading tutorials to decided wich is the best.


Am also thinking about adding the mod that makes your game visuals much more iimersive but I dont want to have bad fps and I think I watched a video that was ccomparing the enb mods and think he said thar project enb didnt perform as well as the other.


Any advice on wich to use?



Climates of Tamriel will do a lot to make your lighting look great and realistic, and has various options for darker nights and interiors.

Some good things to go with Climates of Tamriel are: Expanded Snow Systems, Supreme Fog, and Supreme Storms


In addition, to get rid of that terrible "lit fog" inside dungeons, look for Remove Interior Fog


For even more realistic lighting, try Immersive Content Exterior Lighting as well as Realistic Lighting Overhaul.


All of the above mods add lighting/weather to the game in a way that will have little to no impact on your games performance, and I use them all together.



If you want to plants of skyrim to look great too, look at Skyrim Flora Overhaul, Lush Trees And Grass, and Grass On Steroids. They'll make Skyrim look less like a freshly mowed lawn, and more like a harsh wilderness.

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Is there a weapon mod featuring the Spear of Longinus from Neon Genesis Evangelion?

If not, what about Sephiroth's Masamune or Squall's Gunblade?

(I haven't gone through any of this topic's pages, so please excuse me if my questions have already been answered)

Masamune http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2858/

Gunblade http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29959/

Dwarven Gunblade http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26909/

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Hey guys, I reinstalled skyrim recently and realized that I lost a mod. It was a mod that edited game settings, with a GUI, like resolution (had options for a custom resolution) graphic settings (fade, shadows, etc.)...but most importantly it had this really neat option to remove the intro.


Seems it was in my skyrim directory, not in NMM, and I haven't had it long enough to endorse :/

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Hey guys, I reinstalled skyrim recently and realized that I lost a mod. It was a mod that edited game settings, with a GUI, like resolution (had options for a custom resolution) graphic settings (fade, shadows, etc.)...but most importantly it had this really neat option to remove the intro.


Seems it was in my skyrim directory, not in NMM, and I haven't had it long enough to endorse :/




I believe that the one you are referring

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