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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hello good sirs, Do any one you have any idea if there exists a mod that makes my character NOT rotate with the camera when I have a weapon drawn in 3rd person mod? That is probably the single worst design decision Bethesda ever made, ever.

...worse than Horse Armor.

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Hello good sirs, Do any one you have any idea if there exists a mod that makes my character NOT rotate with the camera when I have a weapon drawn in 3rd person mod? That is probably the single worst design decision Bethesda ever made, ever.

...worse than Horse Armor.



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Are there any mods that increase performance. I already used a texture optimizer, but I'm looking anything else that will increase fps.


Also I'm looking for a mod that makes npc be quiet. It gets annoying when I'm told their life story all the time.

Edited by Patrick2me
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Hi guys,

I bought my game when it came out, but finally I ended up to put it away waiting for mods to come out (just like I did w other Elder Scrolls games). Now I feel that its time to start playing the game, but I am a little bit lost between the thousands of mods that came out so far. I'd like to know if there is one huge mod that contains all the great ones and if there is no such, could you please recommend me a set of mods that worth to play with? I mostly look for mods that changes gameplay, makes it more reallistic and more fun to play with. Wars in skyrim looks fun for me for example, but thats only one.

I found the STEP project, but it looked too compicated for me to set up all the mods that it recommended, since I am not a big PC guru.

Thanks for any help, I really would like to jump in the game now :)

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Hi guys,

I bought my game when it came out, but finally I ended up to put it away waiting for mods to come out (just like I did w other Elder Scrolls games). Now I feel that its time to start playing the game, but I am a little bit lost between the thousands of mods that came out so far. I'd like to know if there is one huge mod that contains all the great ones and if there is no such, could you please recommend me a set of mods that worth to play with? I mostly look for mods that changes gameplay, makes it more reallistic and more fun to play with. Wars in skyrim looks fun for me for example, but thats only one.

I found the STEP project, but it looked too compicated for me to set up all the mods that it recommended, since I am not a big PC guru.

Thanks for any help, I really would like to jump in the game now :)


I personally found Warzones more satisfying than Wars in Skyrim. I also use Extensible Follower Framework (and its accompanying mind control spell) to recruit any NPC in the game and change their residence to the home of my choice, where they form a sandboxing army ready to be plucked for adventure whenever I choose. Bathing Beauties is a good home for this.


I also increased the atmosphere (and my control of it) by using Ultra Realistic World Lighting and Claralux. I increase blood with Crimson Tide and use Killmove Control to make combat more visceral and exciting. I like increasing my population so I use NPC mods to create random travelers and citizens (such as Randomly Generated Generic Townspeople) and have been debating using one of the de-levelers for loot or enemies (or both) to make the game more unpredictable but haven't done so yet. Finally I have a mod that lets me skip steps on the perk tree if I want to unlock something good without first unlocking something crummy to get to it (can't recall the specific name) and I've been adding some armors, weapons, and crafting pieces to give me more to work on in the early stage of the game (there's also a mod that generates random blacksmithing requests).


Oh, one more thing- there are some nice immersion mods for game sounds and atmospheric effects, and "Better Quest Objectives" could make finding places more like Morrowind and the player less reliant on quest markers.

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Thanks for pointing me to the Handyman mod. It's just what I wanted!


I definitely appreciate you getting me those links, but I'm not sure if they're for me- they seem to change a lot more than what I'm looking for. :)


Yeah, I had the same issue - it's dumb to shoot an arrow at an enemy and have them dodge out of the way between the time you release and the time the arrow hits. I've been using Arrow Tweaks to speed up arrows so they hit before the enemy can dodge. That has other effects as well (less arc, longer range, etc), but it changes less than something like Combat Realism.

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Thanks for pointing me to the Handyman mod. It's just what I wanted!


I definitely appreciate you getting me those links, but I'm not sure if they're for me- they seem to change a lot more than what I'm looking for. :)


Yeah, I had the same issue - it's dumb to shoot an arrow at an enemy and have them dodge out of the way between the time you release and the time the arrow hits. I've been using Arrow Tweaks to speed up arrows so they hit before the enemy can dodge. That has other effects as well (less arc, longer range, etc), but it changes less than something like Combat Realism.


His suggestions were welcome, but I'm afraid to change too many things at once. I wanted to make sure I was only affecting the arrows.


I'll try Arrow Tweaks; I think I've just been using an ini tweak for a while which makes them faster (though obviously not fast enough to counter their uncanny extra-sensory perception, lol.

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