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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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I'm looking for two kinds of mod which don't seem to exist...:


Something to add a few new, well thought out enemies to the vanilla game areas: like Werewolves of Skyrim and Dwemer Spectres, but NOT like SkyMoMo.


A mod which adds Oblivion-style spell making into the game, without making a whole new complex magic system.


Do they exist...?

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I'm looking for two kinds of mod which don't seem to exist...:


Something to add a few new, well thought out enemies to the vanilla game areas: like Werewolves of Skyrim and Dwemer Spectres, but NOT like SkyMoMo.


A mod which adds Oblivion-style spell making into the game, without making a whole new complex magic system.


Do they exist...?


Spell making doesn't exist yet and I don't think it ever will be because of the way how spells work in Skyrim. As for the other use ASIS or wait for WIS to come back. ;)

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Im looking for a mod but not sure if it exists, i want a mod that makes chests work in the same way as the inventory and merchants work, so that instead of going "chest" and scrolling through the mass list of things to get what you want you can just go "weapons" under the chest part similar to the way merchants work, not sure if it already exists if it does can some1 provide a link, thanks


I'm pretty sure I've seen a mod that does exactly this, actually. If I find it again, I'll let you know.

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Im looking for a mod but not sure if it exists, i want a mod that makes chests work in the same way as the inventory and merchants work, so that instead of going "chest" and scrolling through the mass list of things to get what you want you can just go "weapons" under the chest part similar to the way merchants work, not sure if it already exists if it does can some1 provide a link, thanks


I'm pretty sure I've seen a mod that does exactly this, actually. If I find it again, I'll let you know.


SkyUI does this.

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You are a legend, proper helpful, I just wanted Ingredients of Tamriel and Monster Mod - Additions to be added to the mod so it was easier to buy 5 items from the shop of ingredients you can never find, but I don't think they modsare finalised. Anyway, I see you are working on loads of your own stuff, so you plough on with that mate. If the mods are ever finalised I may ask for your help to do it, but until then, thanks a lot mate, you have been more than helpful and it is appreciated!

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Hello folks! XD Finally got the downloading mods thing down, and got Skyrim up and running again......... HURRAH!!!


Now that I've gotten the hang of things though, there are a few things I'd LOVE to tweak with my game.......but the mods are so numerous, finding the best one for a specific job is QUITE the challenge! So, I decided to post what I'm looking for here, in the hopes that those of you who've found what works could share your recommendations! Here, let's take it from the top!


1. A way to convert Dragon Souls into perk points. There are quite a few mods that do this, but I'd love to hear your recommendations! This way I could broaden my play-pattern, not be forced to pick just a few skills to get good at, but still have to WORK to improve!


2. My horse kinda drives me bonkers. I'd LOVE a mod that would allow me to do the following: call it from a distance, be able to to things like talk to NPCs or maybe even loot things without leaving the saddle, and perhaps even use the sucker as a sort of pack mule. THAT would be sweet! XD


3. Change the appearance of NPCs. Pretty simple request I think. I swear, some of the faces on these folks are HIDEOUS, and totally clash with the CBBE body mod I use. Clean bodies with dirt covered faces are kinda freaky looking!


4. More smiting options. It's kind of ridiculous how limited the smithing is. I have a mod that lets me break down armor and such for ingots, and another that broadens the list of craftible objects, but neither quite cut it. I mean, I can't even craft fur armor! How silly is that?


5. More clothing options. Armor is nice and all, but sometimes you just want to dress casually.......and the clothes in Skyrim are mostly kinda fugly. Not looking for anything too fantastical, just some things that might be fun to craft/buy and walk around town with. ( ;


6. Alter the stance of those female housecarls. I swear, they walk around like some kind of freakish gorilla, arms out far to the sides. It's kinda creepy looking, and not at all natural!


7. The CBBE is nice for gals and all, but the boys need love too! Any decent male body mods? I'd love to make them look more realistic/attractive. I'm not a prude, so I don't mind if they include dangly bits.....not like many of them are gonna be strolling around naked anyways. :P


Lastly, I'd like to hear your thoughts on female body mod combos. The CBBE is nice and all, but it has its flaws (am I the ONLY one getting those weird, fluctuating lines of light on the skin, like you're looking at them through water?), and I'm open to other options. It seems that the best results come from COMBINING certain mods together, so if you have any recommendations or just feel like sharing your favorite combos, I'd love to hear them! Thanks to anyone who's taken the time to read all this, and TRIPLE thanks to those willing to help me out! ^_^


P.S. Feel free to share any of your OTHER favorite mods as well! More ideas and options is never a bad thing. ( ;

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