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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Good day.

I was wondering, if theres a mod that allows to disenchant items that game doesnt allow to be disenchanted, like unique daedric weapons , or dark brotherhodd armor, so that their enchants (like double backstab on brotehrhood's gloves) could be put on whatever else? Thanks in advance!

Edited by Melissan
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Good day.

I was wondering, if theres a mod that allows to disenchant items that game doesnt allow to be disenchanted, like unique daedric weapons , or dark brotherhodd armor, so that their enchants (like double backstab on brotehrhood's gloves) could be put on whatever else? Thanks in advance!





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Good day.

I was wondering, if theres a mod that allows to disenchant items that game doesnt allow to be disenchanted, like unique daedric weapons , or dark brotherhodd armor, so that their enchants (like double backstab on brotehrhood's gloves) could be put on whatever else? Thanks in advance!





Um, is it me or its supposed to be like this - i disenchanted brotherhood gloves and where to put backstab? О_o

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Btw, i'm sure im not the only one who thought of that, but, is there a mod that allows to swich your outfit fast in u bunch? For example, one has few items that give bonus to archery, and few items in same slots with bonus to one handed,

(i cant speak for everybody but i sometimes carry waaay to much things that often even called almost the same way). So, it would help considerably if it was possible to switch those items in one click, rather than search for the ones you need in backpack for few minutes.

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Btw, i'm sure im not the only one who thought of that, but, is there a mod that allows to swich your outfit fast in u bunch? For example, one has few items that give bonus to archery, and few items in same slots with bonus to one handed,

(i cant speak for everybody but i sometimes carry waaay to much things that often even called almost the same way). So, it would help considerably if it was possible to switch those items in one click, rather than search for the ones you need in backpack for few minutes.

Well, just favorite them...

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Btw, i'm sure im not the only one who thought of that, but, is there a mod that allows to swich your outfit fast in u bunch? For example, one has few items that give bonus to archery, and few items in same slots with bonus to one handed,

(i cant speak for everybody but i sometimes carry waaay to much things that often even called almost the same way). So, it would help considerably if it was possible to switch those items in one click, rather than search for the ones you need in backpack for few minutes.

Well, just favorite them...

Wouldnt help much, i use 2 light sets, mage set, heavy set, plus weapons, practically i'd have to favorit 80% of what i carry

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Im looking for a good ENB Lighting Mod


This Mod is perfect http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13531 but the Member left the project and its incompatible with this Mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12313 in witch that Member also left the Project to make it compatible.


This Mod looks the same as the URWL Mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19720 and it doesent seem to have the Bloom Effect, but it has too dark night times and the Mod isent even working, plus the Member left the Project.


So im looking for a Mod that has the right ENB Settings with Normal Vanilla Nights and makes that No Bloom Mod Compatible.

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Would anyone happen to know of any mods that replace the vanilla clothing NPC townsfolk wear?


What exactly are you looking for? Skimpy? CBBE? UNP? or just plane simple better resolution textures? etc.

Specifically i am looking for a mod that replaces the default clothing, something to change up what they are wearing so i don't have to look at the same boring outfits all the time. Preferably non skimpy clothing, that would be a little distracting. It wouldn't bother me if all it did was just randomize what they wore each time you return to town. I have both the CBBE and the UNP mods so either or is fine :).
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