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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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I'm looking for an old female only armor, one of those skimpy ones, there was also a selection of different horns included in this mod. The armor and the horns was found in a chest in the backyard of High Hothgar, where you first train the wirlwind sprint.
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Looking for a graphics/audio upgrading mods compilation, if there is such a thing.


Ideally the compilation includes only up-to-date and non-conflicting mods which upgrade everything: trees/grass/terrain, weather/sky/lighting, fire/smoke, water, bodies/items, furniture/random objects, music/dialogue/sound effects, etc.

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Are there any DOF mods that just blur the distance (say about 30 feet away?) and not anything close up? There was one for Oblivion that blurred things right about where the grass started 'popping', but nothing else. Most DOF mods make me feel like I'm playing without my glasses on. They also tend to give me a headache. Other DOF effects that I've tried make the world look like it's viewed through a tilt-shift lens and that's also not something I'm looking for. Is there anything like this? Are there settings I can toy with that make this happen with the normal ENB DOF?
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Are there any DOF mods that just blur the distance (say about 30 feet away?) and not anything close up? There was one for Oblivion that blurred things right about where the grass started 'popping', but nothing else. Most DOF mods make me feel like I'm playing without my glasses on. They also tend to give me a headache. Other DOF effects that I've tried make the world look like it's viewed through a tilt-shift lens and that's also not something I'm looking for. Is there anything like this? Are there settings I can toy with that make this happen with the normal ENB DOF?


can you ry this one Dynavision

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Thank you for your suggestion, but Dynavision doesn't work in the way I want, even after fiddling with settings. Static DOF no matter what the setting doesn't appear as close as it should to hide/blur ugly or jagged LODs, and Dynamic acts exactly as I don't want it to, making everything blurry awful even when the camera is completely still. Edited by nakakita
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Hi !


I'm looking for a mod that add carriages in every city (as falkreath for exemple) because i don't like to use fast travel but sometimes it's very boring to join little cities during quest (as dark brotherhood)


Does it exists ?


(Sorry for mistakes, i'm French :) )


Not yet. Will be easy when the toolset is released.


However, what you want sounds a little off. You want a carriage that is basically a fast travel system but you don't want to use the fast travel system? Doesn't make sense to me.


I think it's a kind of role play to use carriage. Fast travel is kind of teleport (it's skyrim not stargate so it's not role play).


I don't know if you understand what i'm trying to say (my english is slightly poor :/ )



levelers tower has internal teleport to inside taverns

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Hello everyone!

I'm in need of a mod that adds mount and blade-esque combat, meaning directional and manual attacking and blocking(4 directional).

Preferred though begrudgingly not required would be various damage types such as blunt, pierce and slash and varying weapon lengths within the weapon category.


Any one know of any thing?

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