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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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I am currently looking for a mod that will allow you to recharge weapon enchants with magicka rather then have to use soul gems. I had found one on nexus last week and didn't think to book mark having not tried out enchanting with my new character. I managed to stumble up this soulfire mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9852 but its not the one i had found. I have found it via key word searched on nexus in mod descriptions so i wonder if it was taken down randomly in last week. im sure its named something little misleading or had such a big block of text i missed it :/


Any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance guys

Edited by midsidion
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Is there a mod, similar to Eyes of Beauty, that replaces the ugly derpy eye meshes with better ones? The default eyes just look so awful, and doing a popularity search for eyes didn't yield any results that looked promising. (30 pages of mods is a lot to look through.)
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i'm looking for a mod that makes it so you cant buy spell tomes for spells you have already learned. any recommendations?


I was going to ask for a mod that gives an indication in the spell description to the effect that I already know the spell but this would do as well.

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