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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hey there. Sorry if this was asked before and I'm sure it was but ... Is there a mod that overhauls NPC vampires? A mod that makes role playing a Vampire Hunter unique by making NPC vampires a tough and unique combat experience.


I found a couple mods like:


-Frightening Vampires Power of the Grave

-Vampire Hunters Pack


But that's not exactly what I'm looking for. Looking over Duke Patrick's Archery and Heavy Weapons Combat has a small addition for ...


"Classic Vampires

Vampires will burn up quickly in the sun, holy water staggers them, wood stakes can kill them very quickly if you hit their heart, when they die they bust into dust, but they are supernaturally fast and strong with lighting quick dodging and can throw you into the walls and ceiling. Unlike the Ethereal Ghost feature this is an optional feature that can be turned off if you prefer the vanilla "half" vampires."


Which sounds amazing and exactly what I want but his mod is extensive and has a lot of inter-working mechanics so I don't think installing it just for the vampires is the best idea.


Anyways any help and insight is gladly appreciated thank you. PS I don't own Dawnguard but don't let that stop you from suggesting Dawnguard required mods I can always buy it ... I guess.

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Im looking for a Mod that will not Enchant your Weapons so you dont need Soul Gems


Im looking for a Mod that while you Cast a Spell or Hit with a Sword or Shoot with a Bow, you get a Perk Update Quicker, sometimes i do these things and wonder if its actually working, plus i dont to go to every Bandit and do these things just to get a Perk Update with 50 Arrows Ice Spikes in my head.


Im looking for a Mod that will Auto Poison my Weapon without a Message that tells me if you would want to Poison this Weapon, i wouldent even have to know that the Weapon or Arrow is Poisoned.

Edited by daventry
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  On 2/4/2013 at 9:25 AM, cpanda said:

Hey there. Sorry if this was asked before and I'm sure it was but ... Is there a mod that overhauls NPC vampires? A mod that makes role playing a Vampire Hunter unique by making NPC vampires a tough and unique combat experience.


I found a couple mods like:


-Frightening Vampires Power of the Grave

-Vampire Hunters Pack


But that's not exactly what I'm looking for. Looking over Duke Patrick's Archery and Heavy Weapons Combat has a small addition for ...


"Classic Vampires

Vampires will burn up quickly in the sun, holy water staggers them, wood stakes can kill them very quickly if you hit their heart, when they die they bust into dust, but they are supernaturally fast and strong with lighting quick dodging and can throw you into the walls and ceiling. Unlike the Ethereal Ghost feature this is an optional feature that can be turned off if you prefer the vanilla "half" vampires."


Which sounds amazing and exactly what I want but his mod is extensive and has a lot of inter-working mechanics so I don't think installing it just for the vampires is the best idea.


Anyways any help and insight is gladly appreciated thank you. PS I don't own Dawnguard but don't let that stop you from suggesting Dawnguard required mods I can always buy it ... I guess.



Hmmm I'm not sure since I don't role play as a Vampire myself but I remember some mods which do exactly what you want. I think its the Bella Sanguinaris ( or something like that, I'm not sure if I spelled it right ) and Better vampires mod. Both of them are slightly different but simillar. I think Gopher did a video on them ... Let me get them ......


Ah okay here it is, its among the first few mods in this feature,

and here are the links to the mod page Better Vampires and Belua Sanguinare Revisited - Dynamic Vampires. Hope these are what you are looking for.



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Hey, is there a mod where you get a follower by besting them in combat or competing with them somehow and you gain their respect? I'd really like to see some mod-made followers where you earn their loyalty, maybe even some additional thane/housecarl stuff.


I'm sort of tired of killing everyone that fights me. Even a mod that allows you to spare someone and they follow you or at least give you something for not taking their life.


What I'd like to see most is a dynamic follower that is still competitive even after they join you. Like "I bet I can gather more wolf pelts than you in an hour, we'll meet back here." Or challenging you at certain times to test you again and make sure you have not gone soft.


If I get a "no" on this, I'll put it in the mod requests I guess. :)

Edited by scatterlkmn
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Hello. I am looking for a house mod. One near whiterun. Rather big that I have to pay for. One that you have to say pay a certain amount for each room kind of like the original ones would be great. I have a ton of money and want to feel like i'm having my own house built. Thanks.
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  On 1/23/2013 at 4:45 PM, Elenear said:

Hi all. I am looking for a mod that would display duration of effects from potions or spells on screen, preferably toggle'able (similar to compass in iHUD). I hate drinking a resist frost/fire etc. potion and then not knowing when the effect wears off until I pause the fight, go to spells menu, scroll to Effects and so on.


Can anyone help with this please? Thanks.

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