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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hi im looking for a Tera Online skin mod,

i wonder if there is a place i can download it from that's not Chinese! having big problems downloading it from the Chinese site, EVERY video about this mod on Youtube are direkting me to the same site, been traying to register and then download it but when i press the download button i get direkted to a new window that cant be translated, and man what an anoying window, i have no ide what they realy want me to do on it,


The armor is a TERA rip, not allowed on Nexus. Please PM me if you still want more info.




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Okay, this isn't an ordinary detective request, since I'm inquiring about a mod I'm working on already, but are there any planned werewolf overhauls/major mods you've heard of? (Besides Call of Hircine) I'd much rather collaborate with people making similar mods than compete with them.
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can someone tell me who made this armor or clothing? and where i can grab it. looks like one of old tessera's work but little different. thanks..


hmmm sorry seams i can't upload any pics atmo......ble...




Edited by ara_ara_ara
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