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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Anyone know what mods are in this picture?

NSFW picture.



Hair http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10168//? Apachi

Skin Texture

Body Type http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2666 Female Calientes Body

Sword on the back



Body is UNPB. The bellybutton and large, gravity-defying breasts make that obvious. No idea about the rest. The textures might be the SG Textures Renewal, though.


oh I though it was calientes using one of the variant with bigger chest,

Anyway link for SG http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35267/?

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I recently started playing more of a stealth character and I really want to add some challenge to my game. I was curious if there was a mod that might alter combat where basically if I get detected and I can't get away from the enemy, I'm better off dead (Basically they kill me in a couple of hits), but at the same time, my sneak kills are more effective and most of the time have a chance of killing them in one hit.



--would also be nice if their detection was better too, but my main concern is the combat.



Your help is appreciated!

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I recently started playing more of a stealth character and I really want to add some challenge to my game. I was curious if there was a mod that might alter combat where basically if I get detected and I can't get away from the enemy, I'm better off dead (Basically they kill me in a couple of hits), but at the same time, my sneak kills are more effective and most of the time have a chance of killing them in one hit.



--would also be nice if their detection was better too, but my main concern is the combat.



Your help is appreciated!

This expand the sneak system http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19447

as for difficulty you can just use deadly dragon plugin deadly monster http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3829/? and increase the dmg they deal without raising their health, i also think skytweak may do the trick http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33395

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Does anybody know if there's a mod (or built in game feature) that will filter out my equipped junk from what I could potentially sell to a merchant? I keep accidentally selling the items I'm wearing to merchants because the bloody list displays everything. Yeah it gives an indicator as to whether something's equipped or not, but the sheer bloody quantity of crap I accumulate means that I tend to just mash the "sell" button - and end up selling that kickass ring I want to keep.

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I hope it is appropriate to post here because I need some help identifying some mods.




For the first I am wondering what the clothing is.

But for both of them, the first especially I am really curious as to what mods were used for the face.

I'd really like to be able to make a character look similar or as good.


http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/26800-1-1354279628.jpg NSFW

I'm interested in if this is a race mod or how to get a dark elf to look like her.


Sure hope someone knows ^^

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I hope it is appropriate to post here because I need some help identifying some mods.




For the first I am wondering what the clothing is.

But for both of them, the first especially I am really curious as to what mods were used for the face.

I'd really like to be able to make a character look similar or as good.

First image, the outfit on the left is an edit of this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27073

Second Image is a Tera outfit.

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There was a mod a couple weeks ago that was on hot files on the Homepage. It lets you control any NPC and keeps your original character as a follower. You can change anything about the NPC and it will stay even when you're done controlling it. I meant to try it out a while ago but I stopped playing the game for a couple weeks and can't for the life of me remember the name of it or find it anywhere. Someone please help me out.


EDIT: I woke up this morning and somehow the name of the mod came to me. If anyone else is looking for it, the mod is called Alternate Actors http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36047/?

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