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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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I'm looking for a mod that allows you to dis-enchant pre-enchanted items so you can re-enchant them. I swear I've seen a post somewhere but can't remember. Please help!

That was a Request in a Thread of mine where i asked if i can take the Enchanted Item i made and Disenchant them, then Re-Enchant them again, yet no Mod like that exist in witch im still waiting for such a Mod to be made

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@publius i have tried it but i was looking for a Replacer basically.


now with the CBBE 3.2 version i am having CTD issues and have tried to change things around and such and for some reason i can't get my game to load even when i do a fresh install with CBBE. i tried changing to UNPB and am doing better but it seems some mods are still messing up. =( i may have to go with out any followers except 2-3 of the ones i REALLY love and see if i can get the tera armors only for UNPB. just run with those and have leveler's tower which i LOVE that mod. the design is FANTASTIC & the best player home i have seen around to my tastes. i will have to make a list of what mods i have and see if anyone can help me fix this. i used to do my own modding back when morrowind came out at first but after that i kinda left off there. now with the new version of the CK, i am just too old to learn the new stuff for my play style and time to play the game. i will basically need a teacher to help me through the training of the programs and such out there to fix or edit some of the mods to work together that i love lol.

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Is there a better nude male mod than http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1947/? This one appears to cause texture issues with any male shoes that have open toes, such as Falmer boots and Moth Priest sandals from Dawnguard (this glitch only happens with shoes, not gloves or anything else), but this one http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2488 appears to "modify" the males' faces, as well, not just their bodies. Specifically, what I am looking for is a patch for http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1947/? that makes it compatible with open toed shoes (basically only the Falmer boots and Moth Priest sandals come to mind). I'm posting this in the Detectives thread in order to confirm or deny its existence before putting it in the requests sub-forum.

Edited by MidbossVyers
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I know it's out there somewhere; I've seen it. I don't know if it's a part of DUEL or ACE or what. I know SkyRe comes with it, but here's the thing. I'm switching to Requiem, so obviously I can't use SkyRe, but I'd still like to have timed blocking in my game. I can tell you based on a video I saw but couldn't relocate that the mod has a MCM, where you can configure how much time you need to anticipate a blow (default was 0.3 seconds, I think), as well as a couple other features. Can anyone point me in the right direction?





Ultimate Combat by TK has a Timed Block mechanism configurable through MCM. It is an incredible good combat mod and includes lots of other really cool features, even new comabat moves for enemy NPCs. Check it out!

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Does anyone know of a mod that "adds" the spells and enchantments in the game that aren't available to the player? e.g. those hat exist in the game but aren't used for anything.



I'm looking for a mod that allows you to dis-enchant pre-enchanted items so you can re-enchant them. I swear I've seen a post somewhere but can't remember. Please help!

That was a Request in a Thread of mine where i asked if i can take the Enchanted Item i made and Disenchant them, then Re-Enchant them again, yet no Mod like that exist in witch im still waiting for such a Mod to be made



Eze's artifact disenchanting mod exists, but I don't think it's been updated for the DLCs.

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