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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Looking for a mod that makes a legendary enemy more than just a damage sponge, a mod that makes them think, use skills like shield charge, sneak etc. actually makes them a challenge to defeat.

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Is there a mod that disables smithing/enchanting completely? Or that makes smithing and enchanting fail at the lowest levels?

There is one like that called revenge of the enemies, which overhauls their ai and gives them special powers specific to each boss.



Also, anyone aware of a mod that simply adds recipes for paper and inkwells so I can have a renewable source of scrolls for PerMa?

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Hey everyone, I'm here just to ask for a mod that I cannot find anywere. I've been searching for a Nazi Uniform mod (I am not nazi or follow Hitler, I just want this mod because I think these uniforms are such beautiful) to match with the Tamriel of Tanks mod (A texture or painting mod that modify the tanks of this mod would be pretty awesome too). No matter where I search or ask, people do not help me and call me nazi for wanting just the UNIFORMS.

That's it, I really hope someone can find one or just do not delete this post.


Thanks for the attention


It's like this uniform that i'm looking for

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I'm looking for a mod that doesn't change the walking animation, but allows me to sprint in 180 degrees. I'll use small graphic diagrams to explain. You can sprint in green directions. You move at a reduced paced in red directions.

In vanilla, this is what you're limited to when it comes to movement:

← • →
↙ ↓ ↘


360 walk and run plus (or whatever it's called) allows you to do this:


← • →
↙ ↓ ↘


Or maybe it allows you to do this, I haven't really used it in awhile:


↖ ↑ ↗

↙ ↓ ↘


Regardless, this isn't desirable for first-person play, as it allows you to walk at the same speed in all directions. As far as I know, the same animation is used for walking left and right. I'm looking for a mod that does it like this:


↖ ↑ ↗

↙ ↓ ↘


If I'm correct in that the same animation is used for walking left, right, diagonally, and forward, then it should theoretically be easier to do something like this than it would be to make something like 360WaRP. Maybe it's just one of those things that's hardcoded, and that's why nobody's done it yet. Or maybe it's already been done. I can't find any useful search results on google, as I keep getting results for 360WaRP, so hopefully somebody here knows of a mod that fits my description.



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