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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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A number of mods have trouser options which use a separate slot from the regular armour slot (for instance, the various leggings mods, or the leggings in zzjay's wardrobe, or the pants in the travel wear set), and this is very useful when assembling mix-and-match armours.


But are there any mods which use that same trouser slot for a standalone (non-mini) skirt or dress instead of pants?


On Nexus, I know about the Pareo set (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53017/?), and the Merta Assassin set but those are more like washcloths than skirts :laugh: There's also the Omare school uniform... but muh immershuns! (and it's pretty damn short too).


There's also a couple similar mods mentioned ~that other mod site~ but like the ones above, they feature "skirts" so skimpy they might as well not be there (in fact, from what I can tell, that's exactly why those mod makers separate pieces - so the player can take them off).


Just trying to find a knee-length or even a bit longer skirt that can be used to mix-and-match with armour pieces in-game on the fly the way the various trousers can.



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I recently ran across a mod which suppressed companion comments made when you get too close like "huh". Now I cannot find that mod. I should have made better note when I first saw it. I would appreciate any help in locating it. I have most of the other mods which suppress the inane banter of NPCs which Bethesda's Vice President in Charge of Annoyances likes to create and would like to add this one as well.


Edit: Found the mod I was looking for. It is called No More Standing too Close to NPCs.

Edited by Thenryb
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Howdy... first time posting. I need a ground texture ID if possible.

Some time ago I was using a texture mod, and the ground textures for The Rift area had a thick carpet of fallen leaves, much more than usual. This was most obvious on the roads, but also some of the Fall Forest ground areas as well. It was really quite beautiful.

I must have switched to a different landscape texture mod without noticing that it changes these leafy areas. I've gone through all the mods I currently have saved and I just can't find that texture anymore... and it's driving me crazy! :sad:

I'm hoping someone here might recognize it and tell me what it is (and where to find it again, since I must have deleted my version)

I know it's a ground texture, not surface objects like Unique Grasses and Groundcovers adds.

Here are some screenshots:






Hope you guys can help me! Thanks! :)

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Could someone help me to find out what mods are used in this pic for the face/hairstyle, and maybe which mod is used for her body plz? =)
Dont care about the outfit, (already found it), but need to know how to play this sexy girl in my skyrim! Amazed how she realistic she seems *_*



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