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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hey Guys, just want to ask. Which kind of Graphics mod is this ?84452-0-1496841317.png


You have to be more specific as to which elements you are referring to. This image most likely has several graphical mods being displayed.
terrain, trees, shadows, sky, water. and my friends told me if that mod use a Realvision ENB mod, is it right ? Edited by adamdicaprio6
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Is there a mod that adds enchanted arrows to the game?


I've made a small one that adds some more pop to the explosive dwarven bolts. Also made a Vampires Bane one. I see the potential to add an enchanted arrow for every spell in the game with varYing strengths, but it's going to be tedious.

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I made a Dragon Powers mod that summons Daedric ally and Dragon Priest permanently. It'd be easy to make a power that would summon anything.

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I don't know if any of these ideas already exist, but they are so simple that i'd be surprised if one of them hadn't been made yet. Regardless, on the off chance that the mod finder thread turns up empty, or if someone wants to make one which hasn't been realized yet, i'm posting these ideas here, which i've been looking for since half a decade ago.

I'm looking for mods to make pacifism easier. Either of these would be great:

EDIT: A lot of these ideas have been more or less implemented, but none are offering what i need: A way to solve dungeons without having NPCs permanently dead, but without having to potentially deal with them again.

-Nonlethal takedown option - (semi implemented by KNOCKOUT OVERHAUL and SNEAK TOOLS)

Something like the Ranger Takedown from FONV but permanent. The NPC would still ragdoll - read die- after being sneak attacked, but would be "knocked out" instead of stabbed viciously.

-Take prisoner - (semi implemented by BIND AND GAG)

Any NPC that gets temporarily knocked out or reduced to 0 HP would get shackled and be unable to move permanently.

-Make neutral spell - (this would be very useful in combination with knockout or sneaktools)

Any NPC that gets temporarily knocked out or reduced below some minimum HP would get the setplayerrelation 2 or something command applied by this spell to turn them neutral permanently.

-True resurrection - (THIS IS WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR)

A spell that would make a dead NPC be resurrected instead of being a zombie thrall, but would be set to neutral with setplayerrelation 2 or something.

-Actually flee - (semi implemented by MERCY and FIGHT OR FLY)

Fleeing would be mandatory, not just an option, and permanent not just a tactic.

I'm really tired of all most fights in skyrim being to the death.

Edited by NobodySignificant
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There's this mod that used to be on Steam called Legendary Perks. It's designed for late-game characters, and adds new perks with minimum character level requirements instead of minimum skill level requirements.

It's a good mod, but it vanished from the workshop back in 2014 and I haven't been able to find it since (It's been replaced by another mod called Legendary Perks which is nothing like the one I am talking about). This isn't the biggest deal because I still have it in my game files, but I am curious as to what happened to the author and if it ended up being posted elsewhere.

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