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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Great mod! Also, another trick is to click on the object in question in the console and see what number pops up. The first two digits are the load order, so line those up with your NMM or MO load order and that, too, will tell you which esp the object belongs to. :)

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Can't recall the name of a player home mod that had a small stone door just below the top of the Throat of the World (right before you walk up to the clearing with Paarthurnax). When you entered, it took you to a giant cavern where you had to defeat 4 different colored dragons to get the keys to the door on the other side of the area, which opened up to the actual player home.


It's front hall was a circular room with separate display mannequins with different lighting, each intended to hold one of the different types of armor sets. There were doors along the circle between the display mannequins, which had mounted dragons shooting fire in different colors at the center of the room. Most of the original mod's names were German, I think?


The rest of the player home was massive, including a spiral staircase to store every type of staff, a planetarium-like room for enchanting, and entire display halls for storing daedric artifacts. I'm pretty sure this mod was deleted at some point, as it isn't in my nexus download history, but it was so expansive I wouldn't be surprised if someone took over the mod to keep it going.


I had this mod years ago, like 4 or so, but I'm sure it would be an easy google if I could just remember the name! Any help is very appreciated, thanks!


Edit: It was similar in size to the Halls of Dovahndor mod, but that wasn't the one.

Edited by slippin468101
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I'm not sure I shouldn't post this in Mod Requests but I'll try.


I play as a necromancer and I have a mod that allows me to collect corpses. To collect means to gather and carry them in my inventory. Is there a mod that allows you to SAFELY display the corpses somewhere? Like, in a glass tube/tank? Displaying in a in-game manner of a trophy will also do.

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Well, there's Collect Bodies. Only problem is you can only collect ten corpses, but you can put them into containers. It basically makes the corpse a static object. As for mounting them, you can just look in the Data/Meshes folder (it may take some digging around to find) for the mounted animals hands on plaques. You could load them into Outfit Studio and play around with swapping out the head for a human head (if they're separate objects).


Hope this helps! :)

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Well, there's Collect Bodies. Only problem is you can only collect ten corpses, but you can put them into containers. It basically makes the corpse a static object. As for mounting them, you can just look in the Data/Meshes folder (it may take some digging around to find) for the mounted animals hands on plaques. You could load them into Outfit Studio and play around with swapping out the head for a human head (if they're separate objects).


Hope this helps! :smile:

The mod I use - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11454/ - also let me store the corpses in the containers. So the main thing I need is displaying them one way or another. If i were a modder, of course I would do it myself :D


Also, while I'm here, anyone knows where is this from? https://i.imgur.com/ayjhgcM.jpg I am interested in normal humanoid form, with proper animation of face (the one on the picture is just a spider with inanimate statue on the head).

Edited by rostsit
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There used to be a mod that let you do that, and a whole lot more. It's big thing was you could mutilate the corpses, put heads on a pike, etc...possibly Clean Up Your Corpses? You can nail them to the wall! Yay! "Hey, look, it's Art! Artie! What are you doing nailed to that wall?!" :P

Like I said, you can always play around in Outfit Studio, you just have to find where the mounted head meshes are, and swap them out, if they're not one solid object in Outfit Studio


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Thank goodness this was here! Hope it is the right spot but here goes.

So I modded up normal Skyrim and, unsurprisingly, broke it. ^^; No big deal though since I was moving on to Skyrim Special Edition anyway. :D

Here's the thing. There was a mod that let me loot the armor off the Draugr, leaving them naked, and it was Ancient Nord Armor (Old) I believe. I looked carefully through my normal Skyrim mods and.....I simply am uncertain which mod, or mods, allowed this to happen. o.o

I don't know if it was Immersive Armor, SoS/SexLab perhaps since it allowed the Draugr to be naked, or something else? Either way, hope it's something that is also available for Special Edition and thanks very much to whomever can solve this little mystery for me. ^^

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The Ancient Nord xxxx (Old) items are from Skyrim Immersive Creatures. I'm not sure if that's what allows naked draugr, but I'd assume so. It's almost definitely not SoS, SexLab, or Immersive Armor - I've had that behavior without any of those installed. I suppose they could do it also, but eh...

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There used to be a mod that let you do that, and a whole lot more. It's big thing was you could mutilate the corpses, put heads on a pike, etc...possibly Clean Up Your Corpses? You can nail them to the wall! Yay! "Hey, look, it's Art! Artie! What are you doing nailed to that wall?!" :tongue:


Like I said, you can always play around in Outfit Studio, you just have to find where the mounted head meshes are, and swap them out, if they're not one solid object in Outfit Studio



Thank you, I've tried it - unfortunately, "nailing" not only doesn't look esthetically, it also doesn't safe - all my corpses just disappeared after some time.

Some player home with only certain places to display bodies would satisfy me - I don't need the ability to display them everywhere.

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