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Slow/Sticky Forward Movement?


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Hi everyone,

I just got back into Skyrim after a long hiatus and finally got everything working as it should (for the most part) with my 150+ mods. I cant tell you exactly when it started but somewhere in my 35 hrs of game play, my character will now move forward and slow down as if stuck on an invisible wall or over-encumbered (which I'm not) while I'm still mashing the forward movement key. It's NOT micro-stutter, as the game is running a solid 60 fps in FRAPS. I'm also free of anything in active effects. It's fine when I look around, only when I'm moving forward.. My character stops like there's a wall (or will move VERY slowly), then will move normally. Another couple feet, then the same thing.. Any ideas as to what this issue could be? It happens at random, and isn't a massive deal per-se, but it is a continual nuisance.. Thanks.

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Did you bind moving forward to different key to check your Keyboard? Sometimes they get old & broken.

It not always software, consider hardware.

You know, I actually play with a PS4 controller using Input Mapper emulating an Xbox 360 gamepad... I disabled it and used the keyboard and mouse and the forward movement hiccup isn't present. Any idea how to make the controller's forward movement better? Never had this issue before but maybe somebody else would know.

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