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Arrow in knee


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Would it be possible to put an arrow in the knee of those guards?

I mean either in some of the guards meshes or in their armor?

Perhaps make them walk like they are injured too? Or put up some advertisement to join the guards in the city, if you were an adventurer. I mean the cities clearly only hire injured people (and some that are obsessed with curved swords)

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This is based of a comment the guard say. HOWEVER; how likely is it that you'd still walk around with an arrow to your knee? Damn, any guy that can rightfully call himself a man would pull it out in a second. If not that, it would be out fast enough. It's not like they are being shot by arrows each day, and stopped minding it.

I simply do not understand why the guards would have this. They probably got shot 10 years ago, why would they still have an arrow?


Me not understand! :psyduck:

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Yeah I know it is missing the realism...but the point of this mod (if there is one) is fun....it would make me laugh so hard seeing the guards say that and having an arrow in a knee....and it just isnt the same, shooting them an arrow in the knee....since that isnt permanent and they would start attacking^^

I also would love seeing a random encounter of a redguard and the curved sword fanatic guards....but that dream come true is unlikely for now...


Edit: Or a random encounter where a guard gets his sweetroll stolen (or where he steals a sweetroll)...oh the irony

Edited by JanoRis
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