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Elder Scrolls 6 Locations (Some plot spoilers from skyrim)


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I had an idea that they could not actually base the next elder scrolls game in Tamriel but instead one of the other continents in Nirm (being the mythical planet on which all the elder scrolls games takes place). In Skyrim it says that the first humans to come to Tamriel were the original 500 companios of Ysgramor that spread around the whole of Tamriel and set up the first Empire of man. Ysgramor came from Atmora meaning that this would be the original home of all men in Tamriel except redguards as it says that they came from Yokuda. There are probably other continents in Tamriel so maybe they could try one of those. Perhaps you start off as a prisoner sent away to a distant land and discover a strange and wonderful world with your prisoner companions. Kinda like what happened in Australia. or maybe the Empire and the Thalmor go to war with each other and you have to escape the chaos of the war. who knows, this is Bethesda we're talking about. They have enough money, time, imagination and writers to come up with whatever the f*** they want. Its their world and they could pretty much do anything, and we'd all still buy the f***ing things. I know i would.
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speaking of profit i find it completely and utterly mindless to say they'd make another game for all of tamriel, or even more than one province (not including high rock and the wrothgarian mountains or hammerfell and the dragontail mountains), they want to make money in the long rung, not waste it all in one throw, they have nothing other than TES and Fallout, it'd be devastating for the company.

I'd say they'll put TES VI in Elsweyr or Blackmarsh, maybe even High Rock + Wrothgarian Mountains or perhaps revisiting Hammerfell + Dragontail, though i find that less likely.

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i happen to think the expansion packs are going to finish the thalmor\aldmeri dominion issues or plot-line, however that's more of a side note to the current issues in the game, ie... the dragon threat & the skyrim civil war. beth might just decide to stitch that up in post-lore via books & texts from the next series. and not let us fight the dominion at all (which i see as a very bad call, cause many of us want nothing more than to smash the faces of every thalmor in tamriel into the ground, well minus the thalmor supporters here). i don't see summerset as a whole new episode in the series, it just doesn't track. an official addon i could see though. what i would like to see is a full all over tamriel tes game (oh, btw i'm fairly sure TES1 & 2 were started in a prison like morrowind & oblivion). sadly i just don't see that happening all that soon, i think if the dominion war is still in play by the next game in the series it will likely be Valenwood & or Elsweyr; with a grand finale in summerset (but i think it will be settled by the final end of TESV), keep in mind that beth has managed to surprise me with the content of their addons, and their new releases too. so i could be completely wrong. if the dominion is over with by TESVI it could be anything. however, it will be something we haven't seen yet, it might be another odd man out like morrowind was. i also think that's why us old timers like morrowind so much, it was the swan mixed in with the ducks (referring to the "ugly" duckling story, not calling the other games in the series ducks, not at all).


so whatever it is I think it will be somewhat unique among the series. (for good or ill)

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I think TES VI will happen alongside skyrim (same time period) but somewere in the southern regions (probably Black Marsh) and will have no conection whatsoever winth any other TES before.As for the Aldmeri Dominion thing, i think there will be an expansion on TES V, propably SI (Summerset Isle)
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Why are people talking about TES 6??? That's like at least 3 years from now, maybe more. But, that aside, I'd say it'll probably be set 500 years after Skyrim, and instead of being Dragonborn, you're 'Dragonbornborn' You have small traces of dragonborn in you, but not enough to have dragon power. And, there'll probably be a civil war going on that no one cares about, except for the occasional guard.

The story will probably be, someone broke into Jorrvaskr, shot all of the guards in their knees, and stole the Jarl's prized extra-sticky sweet roll. You will have been chosen by the guard commander to find this indescribably despicable criminal, kill him, and take back the Jarls sweet roll. But, once you get back to Jorrvaskr, you'll find that it was all a trap! The 'Jarl' will indeed be the criminal, and the guards will be his assistants. They will trample you, and a 'guard' will aim a bow at your knee, and FIRE. . . . . . . The End.

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OP you are silly and wrong.


1. Skyrim is a lot of work. doing all of tamriel is about 8x as much work. Do you really think bethesda, or anyone, would get away with charging $400 for a game? Because if they don't it would bankrupt them.


2. What new consoles can "handle" is irrelevant. You could make a game that has the entire world of tamriel in it now. Right now. on pc. Possibly on a few consoles too. Because you DONT PLAY THE ENTIRE WORLD AT ONCE. no matter how big the world is, you're only playing a section of the world in an area around the player. You could infact make a game that encompasses all of creation, everything that has ever existed, the entire universe. and modern machines could still run it fine because only a small section is processing at once


3. Media. hard drives aren't so much of a problem, but downloading is. Very few people want to download an 80 GB game. And fitting it on disks would be a nightmare.


4. The future. Quite simply, if they do all of tamriel at once, or even just most of it, they're screwing themselves out of ideas for future games


5. Focus. skyrim is a good game because the team works towards one coherent design focus. and can thus create a more diverse northern wasteland than has ever been. if you stack another pile of provinces on top of that, you either have the team doing far more workload, or you increase the teamsize, dilute the experience, and split the focus among many people, resulting in an inconsistent and incoherent experience.



6. you are stupid. An "all tamriel" elder scrolls cannot happen.


Now, now - let's not start insulting people over this topic. Everyone are allowed to have their own opinion. - Z

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BeastlyBeast - "But, that aside, I'd say it'll probably be set 500 years after Skyrim, "


This is the point I think a lot of you are missing. The next game is more than likely going to take place far in the future where the current storyline is completely finished and something totally new is happening. There are plenty of places that make since in relation to what's happening story wise in Skyrim but i doubt the TES6 will continue this story. As others have said, any DLC will probably wrap up most of the current story and the next game will be a whole new thing. That's the way TES games have pretty much all gone.


They could change things up and actually make a sequel that does continue the story but I doubt it. We have years to speculate. There are some good thoughts and suggestions in this thread though nonetheless.

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