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so odd, smoking animation idle not working


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I know this sounds a bit strange, since I know its not from a Mod, so much as its just an option to use idle animations, but in the past I have used the Caf_animflavor<insert action> command to give the smoking idle to a few NPC's. Two are bartenders in different settlements and I just felt it 'worked' for their look, and the look of the bar. The other is the daughter of one of the farm owners in a settlement. I just thought from her dialogue in game that she would be looking for something a bit rebellious to do, so I gave her the smoking animation idle.



For weeks and weeks the NPC's followed their scripts and seemed like they had their usual behavior down pat. Until last week, I went to one settlement and noticed the bartender never smoked. Hmmm.... I thought, must be an off day for him. Not a big issue, just something I noticed. 2 days later I visited the other settlement that has a bartender that smokes. She wasn't smoking......so I decided to try the idle animation command again. It didnt register as a valid command. I tried again, doublechecking my spelling. Still...no result. I tried a third time, just to be sure my sanity wasn't in question, but still...no result. Of course I find it odd that other NPC;s in the game still smoke..... just that it seems I am unable to use console commands to activate such behaviors now.


So, I am wondering if Nuka World somehow added scripts into the game that have changed or invalidated the caf_animflavorsmoking command. Anybody else seeing this same situation occur?

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Hmm I had some time to play today and just to test, I tried adding the caf_animflavorsmoking command idle to 4 different NPC's... it didn't work for any of them. On screen message was that script was not found??



Anyone else having this issue with the smoking idle or any other idle animations?

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