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Pick up bullet casings


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I'm trying to make new misc items, which are bullet casings, used in the Contraptions ammunition plant.


The problem is, the casing meshes cannot be picked up. I can put them in a box, in my inventory, but when I drop them, they act like moveable static.


On conveyor belt, they just move along, and fall onto the floor, accumulating a large pile, instead of going into the stamping machine.


I think this has something to do with .nif data. I've been comparing with other meshes and I think specifically, collision or BSXFlags.


Can someone explain what the purpose of BSXFlags are?

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So did you create new Misc Item entries for the bullet casings? And do the Contraption machines know what to do with them? I'm thinking of something like the New Vegas ammo system, where you have to have all the component parts.


Yup, there are new misc items, with the vanilla casing mesh assigned to it.


The casings are extruded from the vacuum hopper, and move along the belt, until they get to the ammunition builder. Then they just kind of... drop through the belt, and pile up on the floor.


I cannot pick them up from the world, either. This is why I think there is some condition set into the .nif as to whether or not an object is flagged as "can be picked up."

They are fine transferring to/from container and inventory.


I am thinking of NV ammunition too. There are already mods out there that add primers and stuff, but I want to make my own version, where scavengers at your settlements find bullet casings, or you can buy boxes of them from vendors for cheap. Then put the casings into the ammunition press with fertilizer, lead, and primers, and bam, it reloads the cartridges, say 20 at a time.


My ultimate aspiration is to make you able to also pick up your own bullet casings, but one thing at a time, first I have to make a misc item which can be picked up from the world.

Edited by mkborgelt13
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You could always try opening the bullet models (not the shell casings, theres single bullet models too), make them 200x smaller then attach the bullet shell model to them. I know it sounds dumb, but that might make it so that the shells gain flags of the bullet models, thus making them work normally... not sure though

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You could always try opening the bullet models (not the shell casings, theres single bullet models too), make them 200x smaller then attach the bullet shell model to them. I know it sounds dumb, but that might make it so that the shells gain flags of the bullet models, thus making them work normally... not sure though


That's not a bad idea, but instead of making them smaller I could just "remove" the BSTriShape"whatever-its-called" and paste the casing instead, keeping all of the bullet's data.


Or I could do the same thing with some other object that you can pick up, like a stick of chalk. But I really want to know what it is about casing mesh that makes it unable to be picked up.

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