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Spell Effect


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What's the best way to temporarily add a spell effect to an item that has just suddenly been enabled (in my case via OnDeath script). I figure my options are PlayMagicEffect (pme) and PlayMagicShaderVisuals (pms) and then there's AddSpell but I'm not sure if that works on objects or not (haven't tried it yet). So far the best I have been able to do is to get the animation to run EVERY FRAME but that's not what I want. I want something like


myobjectref.pme effectShockDamage 30

to play on enable for a set duration without starting every frame, for maybe 30 seconds.

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I don't know what script you're running this in, but you have a couple of options. You can use a timer or a flag to control this if it's running in a long-term script like a quest. E.g.,


float fSpellTimer

short bSpellUsed

ref myObject




;Use a flag to trigger the spell on enable, assuming it lasts 30 seconds.


if bSpellUsed == 0

  if myObject.GetEnabled

     myObject.pme effectShockDamage 30

     set bSpellUsed to 1




; use a timer to continue running the effect if it must be reset each frame



if bSpellUsed == 0

  if myObject.GetEnabled

     set fSpellTimer to 30

     set bSpellUsed to 1




if fSpellTimer > 0

  set fSpellTimer to fSpellTimer - GetSecondsPassed

  myObject.pme effectShockDamage




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What's the best way to temporarily add a spell effect to an item that has just suddenly been enabled (in my case via OnDeath script). I figure my options are PlayMagicEffect (pme) and PlayMagicShaderVisuals (pms) and then there's AddSpell but I'm not sure if that works on objects or not (haven't tried it yet). So far the best I have been able to do is to get the animation to run EVERY FRAME but that's not what I want. I want something like


myobjectref.pme effectShockDamage 30

to play on enable for a set duration without starting every frame, for maybe 30 seconds.


Seems like all you need to do is add a condition so that that portion of the script only runs once when whatever enables the reference gets triggered.


short effinit

if effinit != 1
myobjectref.pme effectShockDamage 30
set effinit to 1


Or whatever you're using to cause the enabling of the object. As far as I know "myobjectref.pme effectShockDamage 30" will work once you change the effect to the right thing, and wll only play it 30 seconds. Using a series of timers probably isn't needed in this case.

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Thanks for the replies! This has certainly helped though I had to make adjustments to get what I wanted. This would seem to be because pms (or pme) and enable in the same script don't work--object is enabled but effect does not run. I already tried putting the pms part into my Quest Script but hadn't been able to run it only once until now. This is because the pms must be controled by condition to only run once.


scn MyEnemyScript

Begin OnDeath


scn MyQuestScript

short effect

Begin GameMode
if MyObjectRef.GetDisabled == 0 && effect == 0
MyObjectRef.pms effectShockDamage 30
set effect to 1

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Thanks for the replies! This has certainly helped though I had to make adjustments to get what I wanted. This would seem to be because pms (or pme) and enable in the same script don't work--object is enabled but effect does not run. I already tried putting the pms part into my Quest Script but hadn't been able to run it only once until now. This is because the pms must be controled by condition to only run once.


scn MyEnemyScript

Begin OnDeath


scn MyQuestScript

short effect

Begin GameMode
if MyObjectRef.GetDisabled == 0 && effect == 0
MyObjectRef.pms effectShockDamage 30
set effect to 1


It should all work within a single Ondeath block. Are you sure you're doing it right?


short effinit

Begin Ondeath
if effinit != 1
MyObjectRef.pms effectShockDamage 30
set effinit to 1


Part of your problem before might have been because you were using PME with effectshockdamage instead of either PMS effectshockdamage or PME SHDG. If you have a problem stopping it, you could always add a myobjectref.SME or SMS in another script somewhere to stop the shader once something has happened (like opening the chest).

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What's the difference between [if effinit != 1] and [if effinit == 0] so long as [effinit] is not preset to aything (default is always 0)? I think I tested it at [== 0] because it seemed to me the same thing and it didn't work. I also said it wrong here with the effect code specific to whether you use pms or pme but in the actual script I made sure it was right. Maybe I try again when I get a chance but progress has (finally) been too good. Also not sure if the pme + correct id effect worked at all for me? I think only the pms worked the way I had it set up.
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What's the difference between [if effinit != 1] and [if effinit == 0] so long as [effinit] is not preset to aything (default is always 0)? I think I tested it at [== 0] because it seemed to me the same thing and it didn't work. I also said it wrong here with the effect code specific to whether you use pms or pme but in the actual script I made sure it was right. Maybe I try again when I get a chance but progress has (finally) been too good. Also not sure if the pme + correct id effect worked at all for me? I think only the pms worked the way I had it set up.


Script variables default to 0 until you set them, so x != 1 and x == 0 should work the same in your case.

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What's the difference between [if effinit != 1] and [if effinit == 0] so long as [effinit] is not preset to aything (default is always 0)? I think I tested it at [== 0] because it seemed to me the same thing and it didn't work. I also said it wrong here with the effect code specific to whether you use pms or pme but in the actual script I made sure it was right. Maybe I try again when I get a chance but progress has (finally) been too good. Also not sure if the pme + correct id effect worked at all for me? I think only the pms worked the way I had it set up.


Script variables default to 0 until you set them, so x != 1 and x == 0 should work the same in your case.

I prefer to use "!= 1" with most of my true/false logic conditions, it just leaves it as a nice catch all incase something were to interfere with whatever I'm testing for. It really has more use when testing things outside of script variables though, although when paired with a "set xxxxx to 1" forces the variable from whatever it was to whatever you have it at. You just need to make sure that you're planning to use that variable for something else, that you only use the "!= 1" within a section of the script which will only get used durring a very specific period of time where you want this to happen. It's complicated, and probably just my personal preference.

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