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wawnet inn no floor


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Hi all, never posted in the forums before as i am fairly competent with TESCS but i am having a problem with wawnet inn having no floor. The mod i am working on does nothing to alter the inn's interior it does add a fence, tables and chairs to the back of the inn. After a quick area test today i entered the inn and there is no floor and you cant move, even with no clip toggle on.


The mod i am doing makes the area of weye to be a bit better than what it is in the vanilla, i added 2 houses with fencing/walls and a well next to the inn (nothing moved but a tree) and using Carahs Caravan mod (possible the best caravan mod there is) added the caravan across from the inn.


I am running a hefty number of mods, i use BOSS to set load orders and im fair handy at fixing minor conflicts, but what is causing this i have no idea at all.

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It sounds to me like you have a mod which replaces the inn model with a bad model. This could be an .espless replacer mod or an .esp dependent replacer mod. Try deactivating all your mods and going to the inn. If the floor is okay, you have a bad .esp. Do process of elimination to find the bad .esp and remove it.


If you deactivate all your mods and go to the inn and it still has no floor, then it is the fault of a bad mesh in an .espless replacer mod. Look in the CS and find out what model is used for the inn. Go to your directories and delete, move, or rename-to-disable the bad .nif file. The computer will then use the original vanilla Oblivion one instead.

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