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Weirdness finds me yet again


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Spoilers in this post. FYI.





So, I'm out wandering around Skyrim (cause that's what I do) and I happened upon the oddest little dungeon. I don't remember the name of it, sorry. Anyways, I go inside and there's this little glowing blue ball bouncing around the room. I wait for it to attack but it acts like I'm not even there. So being an evil *censored*, I try to attack it and nothing happens. I think, 'oookay, whatever!' and proceed on through the dungeon.


In the next room there are a couple more of these bouncing balls and I realize that the one from the first room has followed me as well. The balls make a strangely musical little noise as they bounce around, but are basically harmless. So I continue on. By the time I reach the end of the dungeon there are probably 20 of these little balls bouncing around me, following me around as I kill draugr and skeletons. I claim my loot and exit the dungeon, leaving the strange little balls behind.





I'll try and find that dungeon again and see if I can get a screenshot for you guys. It was so weird!

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Yup, sounds familar. However, in contrast to your encounter the glowing spheres seem to be friendly, "asking" for help, They even provided hints as to where and how to proceed. Upon arrival at, what appeared to be, the main hall, all these lights gathered around a sarcophagus. As it was to be expected a bad dude appeared from there and after I've killed him the spheres disappeared.


Cheers Euclid

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