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Companions fighting


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First off i am a newb to these forums, so let me apologies if this is a problem that has already been solved i tried a search but couldn't find the anwser.


alright onto the problem, i have two companions, one is a companion called Sonia from a mod by the same name, and the second is Aeyhlia Kumiko from the Kumiko Manor mod. anyway, everytime i encounter an enemy they start beating the crap out of one another. and i am kind of getting sick of my companions beat on one another and leaving me to face three Minotaur by my self!


any ideas as to how i can fix this issue?

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From my experience, once this gets started it never ends well. I had to load a save game and pray they didn’t start up again.


This is all about something called friendly hits and the number any companion, even the quest ones will take. After so many usually three hits, they will fight you each other and the guards. A very bad day.


So the hard way I found that by knocking them out it reset the AI. Not a pretty solution but it worked, (I rarely take more than one companion into a fight as a result.) Now the quest companions would let me yield to them, at least sometimes.


Now I do use a mod called something like “20 friendly hits” and that helps a lot. I going to run over to the download side and try to find the link for you.




There you go, I hope this helps

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The only way to fix it is to use console to adjust their dispositions toward eachother. What you have happening is because one hit the other accidentally a few times, causing a disposition loss, That loss is why they now dislike eachother. I've had similar issues where Kvatch guards were fighting some Anvil guards Ihad brought along to help with the siege.


Yoiu can adjust dispositions using "<companion1>.moddisposition <companion2> 100". Replacing the <companion> part with the form IDs of the companion (the numbers by their name when you click on them with console open). You also need to do the same with the other companion "<companion2>.moddisposition <companion1> 100".

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I love my companions. But I don't take them along when adventuring. They always seem to be between me and whatever is attacking. I can't get in a hit until my companion(s) are either knocked out or the attacker is dead. Also, When i use an area effect attack, (fireball 10 damage for 15 feet) it seems to do more damage to companions than the original target. Some companions do have a ranged attack and will stay back, but they still seem to spend most of their time in my line of fire.

Instead, I just leave them in one of my houses as eye candy. This also keeps them from their constant bickering and cat fights.

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