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Im The New old guy ( no offense if your over 30, lol)


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Well as forum is titled im the newbie but oldie, been around and or working on or with computers most my life. recently decided to take the next step in life. Gave my wife the xbone and built myself a new pc for one purpose, Gaming. Really looking to learn more about programming and graphics so if any1 would like help and dont mind teaching a lil id be extremely happy and honored to help out. Im online mostly mornings est but work night shift and have my phone so usually have some internet access. Im eager to learn willing to make mistake and learn form them, do help me help you and i can gain knowledge and u can reduce some grunt/grind work. Also sense this is technically a introduction im 29 going on 30 i think cant remember, I am happily married, so ladies i know Im hard to resist but im spoken for, sorry(with that being said I am a dude, in case that wasn't obvious yet) TODAYS WORLD GOTA MAKE SURE IM POLITICALLY CORRECT LOL'

I have 3 dogs and a cat and like 20 fish on a good week. all of my animals are spawns of satin himself. They Insure that im always annoyed or uncomfortable :devil:

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(with that being said I am a dude, in case that wasn't obvious yet) TODAYS WORLD GOTA MAKE SURE IM POLITICALLY CORRECT LOL'

everybody is a guy on the internet my friend. :D i kid welcome good sir i am Qwerty Z Eldar The Lord Sir Inquisitor, you'll see me around a lot but mostly in the Skyrim, oblivion, Fallout 3, NV, and 4 forums typically. if y'all want to chat ever feel free to message me. if y'all has any questions again im open. i like to help or even talk about nonsense.


y'all have a nice day/evening/morning/lunch/taco/brunch/supper/dinner/breakingfast/latenightsnack/dessert/andeclipse depending on times zones and whenever you read this.

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