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Gatorclaws in commonwealth


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  • 1 month later...

lol... I would vote for this Mod to be created, except....I found the Gatorclaws to be a bit too........... boring actually. I didn't feel like they were too original, just a Deathclaw with a gator mask on its head.


But still, I wouldn't mind a Mod that added a few Gatorclaws in the main Commonwealth area, sort of done in a 'Lake Placid' sort of storyline...lol, and even greater if someone used a Betty White face for the settler that is feeding/raising the Gatorclaws.

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Gatorclaws did strike me as a bit lack-luster, especially considering the artwork that existed

Hopefully with New Orleans "supposedly" in production we'll see some return or variation of these beasts.
Maybe rebranded as CrocoClaws or something, but hopefully they'll be scaled up (mind the pun) to the size of the second image (at least for Alphas). Hell, if a chameleon becomes the size of a Deathclaw, an already massive Croc should be the size of a mutant Behemoth.

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