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Adding new followers/marry npc's


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Steps to get a new follower or someone to marry.


#1. addfac or addtofaction - 0005c84d " 1 "

#2. setrelationshiprank " NPC ID " 4

#3. player.setrelationshiprank " NPC ID " 4

( stop here if you just want to marry someone. haven't 100% tested marriage, already married. )


* * * * now that will do almost all npc's..... guards,jarls,kids,and few npcs still not working atm. * * * *

* * * * working that i tested merchants, random civils. * * * *

#3.5 disable then enable " if they don't show up but this is the issue i have.


#4. setav aggression 1

#5. setav confidence 3

" makes some that don't fight attack and etc "

" also make them essential or they will die and no longer follow "

" also you can click them and ( setlevel " level wanted " to make then scale up to you )


any issues plz post and ill work on it. don't know if anyone has already posted it but here it is.



Note: i did refer to gamefaqs similar post on this for a little help. " step 3.5-5 " took me around 2 hours to find it :wallbash:


Have fun and enjoy :biggrin:

Edited by Guss
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Took a few pictures of the inn keeper in solitude. that turned him into a follower. to show they do attack, you can also sell to him, etc. :biggrin:


for him i did steps 1-3. " 4-5 just to make sure ".

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That there might need the CS to work. I know they will use staffs and etc just fine but potions, spells, and etc you give them they don't use. i know there is a few caster companions, but its given to them from the start. ill give it a try but from looking, doesn't look good. :unsure: Edited by Guss
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Console commands.


#1. Removeallitems " companion. "

- that way they can't use their weapon like a sword or a bow. also their armor will be back on them, when they enter a new cell. i set his skill to 100 to top the others.

Update: if given the weapon back they will still use spells.


#2. Addspell any spell that does damage.

#3. Setav Destruction or whatever you are wanting.

- When set to 100 they seem to only use that skill. using multi. spells not sure if they will switch.

#4. Setav Magicka to high.

they now use spells.


* * * Waring * * * you will lose all items they have on them so be careful. :thumbsup:


really no posts on how to pull it off. :( but wasn't too hard.

Note: This follower loves bows and 1handers. he is the orc you can find.

and he is currently using Flames spell " 00012FCD "

Edited by Guss
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