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Make or break the Dark Brotherhood


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I was really disappointed when once again, Bethesda left it to the modding community to actually give the Dark Brotherhood a decent ending. Also, most (at least, I haven't tried the College of Winterhold yet) of the factions have had a lasting faction rivalry. The Companions where at war with the Silver Hand, the Civil War was ravaging Skyrim, and the main quest had disagreements between the Blades and the Greybeards. However, the Dark Brotherhood only had a few run ins with the Penitus Oculatus.


Therefore, I believe that, while it would not be an easy task (as the Dark Brotherhood Chronicles demonstrated) a good modding idea would be one to rebuild the Dark brotherhood to it's former glory (At least in Skyrim) with the choice of either maintaining Astrid's new views of the Dark brotherhood (Without the Black Hand and the Tenets etc) or to restore the Black hand and Brotherhood tradition. However, I also stated that a faction rivalry would be desirable. While the Penitus Oculatus would be an obvious opponent to the Brotherhood, players of Morrowind may remember another, much older group of honorable assassins with the longest standing feud with the Brotherhood.


Within Winterhold's Grey Quarter, a group of Dunmer have fled Morrowind's deepest struggle. However, these Dark Elves hold a greater secret than most of the refugees. Worshiping Mephala, a small group of the infamous Morag Tong have been given orders to expand into Skyrim to ensure the Tong's survival. Inevitably this will result in confrontations with the Brotherhood, However, the Tong eventually learns of the Bortherhood's recent weakness, and further orders are given to eliminate them.


I think that the player should be permitted to join either side in the conflict, so as to allow players greater freedom while playing.


I'm not much of a modder myself, But I would be thankful if there is a modding community interested in taking on this modding idea or if anyone would be able to put together a community to do this. Furthermore, I would be happy to help a modding community with this mod by assisting in writing back-stories, story-lines e.t.c. In what time I can spare (I'm in High School, and my studies come first).



IMPORTANT: We have set up a Forum to coordinate this mod. If anyone wishes to help with this mod, please make an account at http://bit.ly/sdbm1.

Edited by RighthandofSithis
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  • 3 weeks later...

I definitely like the idea of adding the Morag Tong for an underground gang war of sorts. I like the idea of expanding on the current DB quest line, I think however with the rivalry simply joining either side may conflict with your current character if they have already done the DB line so a side quest to defect and gain the trust of the other side would be important.


This idea fits along with a request I have made as well for Morag Tong style armor.


I mention something along the same lines:


"On a more grand scale, I could see iterations of such armor given as a reward for a actual Morag Tong quest line. Of course they would hardly be governmentally sanctioned (at least not openly ) as they were in Morrowind but perhaps they are an underground cell in Skyrim - perhaps even at war with the wanning Dark Brotherhood (though that would cause my current character some problems - maybe it has an option to defect)... Or even better, perhaps the quest line it to reunite the two groups or simply forge an alliance so they might both strengthen their organizations."


But as I mentioned, there could be a twist of combining the two organizations or at least one absorbing the other if diplomacy of some sort is sought. I could also see the Imperials unofficially hiring the Morag Tong to do their dirty work - fighting fire with fire.


Also, an NPC in the game notes that the Morag Tong has disbanded but have agreed to reform some day - so the Morag Tong quest line could also involve building back up and perhaps tracking down all "retired" members.


On a side note, I could see this Morag Tong quest line going along with a Skyrim Expansion which features western Morrowind (as many seem to be hoping for). Even if Bethesda only gives us the expanded territory with no Morag Tong line it would certainly serve as a good starting point for them (though so does the Gray Quarter in Windhelm as you noted).

Edited by EPK22
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I also think this idea is awesome and should be pushed forward when the CK is out. I´m not good in modding too but i would really like to participate and learn especially becorse I´m a Dark Brotherhood fan too.


That idea with concluding a faction rivalry is very good because it would make all taht thing much more exiting!!!

But I think there´s another big problem which should be solved: After finishing the main quest line there is almost nothing to do as the "great" Listener who should bring back the "glorious" times of the Brotherhood. The "The Dark Brotherhood Forever" quests is also getting quite boring after doing serveral always-the-same-assassinations.


My opinion is that more life should be brought back into the Dawnstar sanctuary with adding some more initiates (perhaps with own names and characteristics). With the resoration of the Black Hand there could also be another outpost or sanctuary founded.


There are lots of things which could be included...

Edited by easydownload
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I agree Easy. I think one of the main components of such a quest line would be building on the current story in Skyrim. I could totally see the organization recover and restore another sanctuary. Creating a new sanctuary might be fun as well and I wouldn't mind finding one in the sewers of Solitude or something of that nature - doesn't even need a fancy door, could be a "starter" sanctuary. The rivalry would be a secondary component that you need to deal with as you to some expanding or alternatively defect to the Morag Tong and take these sanctuaries by force.
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It's nice to see that my post is being recognised. Interestingly now that I have already started working with anther modder on a differant DB mod, it includes an expanded quest line and a faction rivalry, with the player being able to choose sides, but I'm not at liberty to reveal any more yet. If anyone would like to take this up, as I said, I'm happy to assist in writing backgrounds and story-lines for this mod.


I'm interested that you said that the Morag Tong has disbanded. Which NPC said that?


And yes, I can see many of the things you are suggesting in this mod. As I said, People would be given the chance to either restore the Black hand, or continue with Astrids beliefs (for each players personal preferances). And when I say restore the Black hand, I mean add some real, Lucien Lachance, Vincent Price, and if youdon't mind me using the common word, 'badass' type characters.


I can also see some new sanctuaries being opened to accomodate the newly founded Black Hand, including 5 sanctuaries (one for each speaker and one great one for the Listener) and a training facility run by a silencer.


For the Morag Tong, I though that people would just make new characters, but I can see your point. Maybe the player is met alone by a member of the tong, and is given the choice, to either join the Tong, remain with the brotherhood, or infiltrate either the Tong or the brotherhood. However, I cannot see the two organisations creating an alliance. They have hated each other for centuries, they will both try to rebuild their previous status while destroying the other.


And EPK22, these mods should be merged into one. What's the Morag Tong without it's armor? And also, that image is actually concept art of Morag Tong assassin, not a DB assassin, drawn way back when Morrowind was being produced.


I can also see a lot of murders, including the best from both the Skyrim and Oblivion DB questlines, high priority targets, disposed of in creative ways. And Bring back the famous 'Who done it' quest. Some targets could include, Kings/Queens of High Rock, heirs of Jarls, Military leaders, Elder Council members and the very people everyone hates, the Thalmor leadership.

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I'm no modder either unfortunately, but I do do my best to follow the lore so I wouldn't mind consulting on that part if my input was needed.


And EPK22, these mods should be merged into one. What's the Morag Tong without it's armor? And also, that image is actually concept art of Morag Tong assassin, not a DB assassin, drawn way back when Morrowind was being produced.


Yes, I'm aware of this - Morrowind is where I got my start in Elder Scrolls. I only linked because you mentioned Morag Tong and I thought my request could go along with yours in the grand scheme of things (Regardless of being part of the DB, my Dunmer wouldn't mind running around in some Morag Tong style armor).


On a side note, DeadlySeriousGames worked on this mod:




I use it and find it much nicer than the default Shrouded Armor items (it subs in for both regular Shrouded and Ancient Shrouded). He mentioned he would produce a new mesh for the Ancient Shrouded Armor eventually and even redo the robes at a later date. His armor was well done and I could certainly see him helping with this project if he had the time.

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I'm no modder either unfortunately, but I do do my best to follow the lore so I wouldn't mind consulting on that part if my input was needed.


Hey. We seem to be the same person. I actively study ES lore because I find it good for roleplaying.


And I'll see if I can get into contact with the person who retextured the Shrouded Armor (however I'm confused as to who it is, you say it's DeadlySeriousGames, but the page says doomfunk). It would be nice if we could really get started on this mod. Even if the CK isn't released yet, getting started on the storylines couldn't hurt.


Also, I'd like to ask a few questions about how this mod would be done.


1. How long do people want it to be? The DB Chronicles showed that if we make it to big, It may not get finished. And I'm also doing grade 12 next year, and I don't know if I'll be able to do as much work on this mod as I'd like to.

2. How are we going to release this mod? If it gets to big, will we release it in increments? For example, we release one increment rebuilding the Dark Brotherhood. We release another one later introducing the Morag Tong etc.

3. Are there any other modding Idea like this? (I haven't checked) If so, I think we should get into contact with them. If a lot of people are thinking of doing this (or something similar) It would be best to get them all on the one mod.

Edited by RighthandofSithis
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