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Make or break the Dark Brotherhood


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Thanks Sunny, I appreciate it.


I'd suggest having a chat section and possibly a news section ion case people want to know how far we have progressed.


I've also think we need a name for this mod. Here's a few off the top of my head.

Vengeance of the Fallen Brotherhoods.

The Void and the Webspinner

A Crimson Revival


Something along those lines.

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[And I'll see if I can get into contact with the person who retextured the Shrouded Armor (however I'm confused as to who it is, you say it's DeadlySeriousGames, but the page says doomfunk).


Not sure, I see both indicated (DeadlySeriousGames being the "uploader")


Good to see some interest, I'll check out the forum you guys put together.

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Some things come to mind. Just getting them down in writing..


First, I agree, lets keep the Tong completely separate from the DB's night mother.


As for new characters, I feel, given the long lives of Dunmer, that we could get away with reusing one (any more might be unbelievable) NPC from Morrowind and breathing new life into him. Perhaps he is integral in reforming the Morag Tong - at least in Skyrim. Maybe someone like Taros Dral who was only a mid-level (Brother) member of the Tong back when Morrowind took place. Though there might be a reason Bethesda never really does that - like if the player had killed him back then. He could have at least been around in those times - maybe just not in game.


The Tong, unlike the DB, was always more "legit" and politically driven. I think it would be ideal to keep focus on that to make their quest line different enough from the typical DB work (though the DB's big hit in Skyrim was very political after all).


Apart from the inevitable clash with the DB, I see a couple options for these "legal" assassinations,


With the Empire, being in dire straights as they are, I could certainly see them secretly "sanctioning" the Tong, not only to fight fire with fire (the irony that the Empire would use an assassins guild to eliminate an assassins guild seems too good to pass up), but to also assassinate say key members of the Stormcloak rebellion, Thalmor or even political dissidents within the Empire itself.


In addition, to get us away from the whole Empire/Stormcloak/Thalmor storyline, I could see writs being requested from what may remain of the Great Houses, though we have little knowledge of what state they may be in, they certainly have motive to lash out at the Nords who were said to have invaded western Morrowind as well as any Dunmer that may have been identified as turncoats. Perhaps even agents of the Empire that failed to offer aid to Morrowind in its time of need. Planting a cell of Tong within Skyrim would be the first move.


They would also take lesser side jobs of course of which your character would be given at first. I just feel there should be some political driven story behind why the Tong would reform.


Ultimately, I see the underground clash with the Dark Brotherhood as the main story.


As for a base of operations, I find Windhelm to be the obvious choice, with it's large Dunmer population - The New Gnisis Corner Club could certainly harbor a secret entrance.

Edited by EPK22
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Hey EPK.


Firstly, could we please continue our conversations on the Forum.


Secondly I was going to keep the stories and assassinations of the MT and the DB relatively the same so that we don't have to do to much work on this mod (As I've said, if t gets to big, it may not be finished).


And the idea of having a Character from Morrowind reappear is interesting. They would have had to have been young during Morrowind and old during Skyrim, as we don't know exactly how long Dunmer can live for. I've started on characters anyway and may include this.


And yes the MT headquaters could easily be in the Grey-Quarter. Ad the main story should revolve around the clash between the DB and the MT, as well as rebuilding sanctuaries.

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Just giving an update to the public.


Work on this mod is coming along nicely. The Story-Writing is progressing well. Feel free to check out our Forum (There's a link on the first post)


We welcome anyone who can help with this mod. We will need modders in the future (Soon, I'd imagine with the rate of work). So if anybody could help, please contact us at the forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Great idea..and I don't understand why the Penitus Oculatus doesn't do anything to oppose the Dark Brotherhood,we killed the emperor's cousin,and a ton of penitus oculatus agents were chasing us,now,I just walk around in solitude and talk to my "enemies" - and they are like , "what can I do for you,friend?" - ___-"
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Hey Ohdude,

I don't think we are addressing that. However, I would like to add more assassinations that require skill and creativity. I think the guy on the assassinations is doing that. If not, I'll ask him to add a few more/modify some of his to give the player the feeling of Oblivion. Poisonings, dropping things on people etc.

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