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A game world from scratch.


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So I've been thinking of tinkering around with making my own game world on the Skyrim engine. I don't have a lot of experience with the CK yet, so this is just a learning experience. I plan to start with the world building since that's the part I have a fair amount of experience with already, and then expand from there. Learn the different systems like creating actors, quests, and the like. What I'd like to know is what would be the best route to take? I was wondering if it would be safe to load Skyrim.esm and then just delete all the cells, actors, quests and stuff and then start making new ones from scratch, or if that would cause massive conflicts or something? Basically, I would just like to start with a clean slate so I don't have to sift through all the Skyrim game related information the whole time I'm working, so it'll be easier to see what I'm doing as I learn. Any advice an opinions greatly appreciated.

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