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Silus Vesuius (Dawnstar Museum) dead


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Hey folks.


As the title mentions it happened to me that Silus Vesuius dies during my first visit to dawnstar by the breath of a dragon... due to this happening I was unable to hand in the QUest for the museum also not able to get the followup quest to unlock the deadra shrine south west of dawnstar (Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon) to farm the deadra hearts I need so desparate.


It took me several hours but now I figured out a way to reset the Quest, and respawn Silus, even if this is a little bit cheating but I really wanted todo this quest and well dragons happen... ^^


First of all I will explain the commands a little I used to make a better understanding:


player.sqs <QuestID> - shows the status of the quest stages, the stages for quests can be found here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Pieces_of_the_Past

player.setstage <QuestID> <StageID> - can set the quest stage but I would be very careful with this one, Stages cannot be undone, you can only reset the whole quest

player.resetquest <QuestID> - as it states resets a quest completely, also careful to use as you would need the entire quest chain in some cases to be able to do it again

player.startquest <QuestID> - can only work if the quest was not done or started before or was resettet

player.placeatme <ItemID> <Amount> - places and item or npc in front of you

player.additem <ItemID> <Amount> - places and item in your inventory


NPC and QUest ID's can be found here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Pieces_of_the_Past

For item ID's I can only recomment this page here: http://skyrim.mmo-game.eu/skyrim-item-link-creator/


In our case the Quest ID's are "DA07Intro" (Visit the museum in Dawnstar), "DA07" (Pieces of the Past), "960f0" (Key to Silus House) and "000240CC" (Silus Vesuius).

You need the key to enter the house if it's still locked, I had the problem spawning Silus outside the house and he never entered it so I couldn't go on with the Quest as you need to talk to him in the house.


To be able to do this 2 quests after Silus died follow this guide and make a new save when you are in front of the locked museum before you start:


Open the Console in my case with ^


First reset the 2 quests:

player.resetquest da07intro

player.resetquest da07


Create the Key in your inventory:

player.additem 960f0 1


Close the Console, unlock the museums door and enter the house.


Open the Console again and now spawn Silus:

player.placeatme 000240CC


Close the consol again and Solus will appear in the room.

From there on you can simply talk to him, he will directly invite you to his museum and offer you the Quest. :)


Hope this also helps someone else, it took me pretty long to find all this together and get it working again.



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  • 1 month later...

I have some problems. :(

When I manage to activate correctly the quest, I see no compass during the mission. So I looked up some YouTube videos, and went on to obtain the hilt of the blade. But when I looked

inside the chest in Jorgen's house, the hilt wasn't there.


So, I don't know what to do. I tried to reset and doing anything, but nothing worked. I even got the invite do the museum again...


Oh, and now I've got two Silus Vesuius. :\ One has got ID FF002248 and the other FF0021E2.

Edited by Dannazione
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couldn't you of just resurrected him? Unless the quest fails because he dies, I see no reason why a simple "resurrect" in the console wouldn't fix this. I've had similar things happen to me before with quest people dying and just using that command worked fine.
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  • 2 months later...



I have a question about this.. character.. I havent played oblivion wich now I think i should ( have to download 1 million mod) but anyway my question is: if I kill Silus Vesuius ( without doing his quest) can I keep his sweet home? all I want is his house lol

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