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Petition to Bethesda to sort out skyrim


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Firstly, there is nothing illegal or offensive about this, I just believe as I think many other gamers do....that bethesda need a kick up the backside to knock them back to their senses.

I have every right and hope bethesda see this post, whether this gets banned or not, there will be a website petition for this.


So lets say it how it is.


I started with morrowind and then oblivion, and both were great. At first glance skyrim is great, and although I like the game id like to start with what happened when I first installed it.



As soon as it was installed I get the message 'you require a steam account blah blah blah'

This is an OFFLINE SINGLE PLAYER GAME, as like many gamers, I dont give a .... about steam, and unluckliy my internet was down when I bought skyrim and yep thats right.....could not even play skyrim for some time because I had to have a steam account.


Next thing steam ignores your settings, and updates whether you like it or not, I know this isnt bethesdas fault


Next the update, it gets released on the PS3 etc a day before the PC, I found out about the bugs, disabled updates and ASSUMED bethesda would be smart enough to hold back the 1.2 patch because of the major bugs....but NOOO they still released it despite knowing it would mess a lot of gamers games up......no person in their right mind would take that risk......it could and has been ( for a couple of gamers I know) game ending and they have given up bothering with bethesda.


Why bethesda want to use Steam is beyond me, every game I have used with steam has caused many issues, from not being able to play the game at all (because it forces an update) to the game CTD because a new update is now avaliable.


We all know about the construction set coming up, and now steam is involved, the amount of legal issues surrounding this are stupid. Who owns the mod? And now we have to pay for mods?

Personally, being a modder on morrowind, oblivion, fallout games and other non bethesda games.....this will drive people AWAY from modding, yes at first people will think great I get paid to mod, but who is going to pay for mods when many look good, have good comments but are actually buggy and not worth the download.

As a modder myself I dont care about being paid to mod, and I WANT people to use my mods for free.


We all know this will only get worse, bethesda will place restrictions on modding and there will be many annoying issues like you have to update the construction set at some point and OH NO its not compatible with the latest patch (which has happened in previous bethesda games, meaning your modding is halted / corrupted until the next patch)


Dont get me wrong, I am trying my best as a loyal bethesda fan here, but come on this is getting ridiculous so this is my proposal.


IF and only IF the patches over the next few months (including the construction set) continue to screw people over and cause more trouble than its worth this is what we do:


Set up a website, for people to sign a petition with this following rules


1. Those signed agree to no longer buy DLC / MODS or any bethesda games for the next 2 years

2. Spread the word across forums and other sites



If bethesda continue to mess up the gaming experience for us, with apparently not even mentioning it on their website and I quote 'the 1.2 skyrim patch has gone off without a hitch'

Yeah right.....


The terms of us removing this petition are as follows:

1. Bethesda get your selves together and stop messing things up, play test your patches ( as they clearly dont as some bugs are so obvious its unreal like the dragon flying backwards)

2. Stop using Steam, its the most annoying program ever made, failing that at least work with steam to sort out the issues and stop making them require an internet connection for everything (I know you can use offline mode, but half the time it says the game is unavalible due to the few seconds your online, it detects an update and wont let you play without it, even offline)

3. Dont make us pay for mods, I for one will never pay for a mod, and will never charge for my own. If it comes to it, ill dissconnect my internet, make mods for myself so you have no power over them and never update the game or use your DLC again

4. Do not take this as a joke, it may not seem serious now, but amounst people I know who have skyrim, every single one of them says they are prepared to abandon skyrim and all future bethesda games if this madness continues.



This is a friendly warning to bethesda, a protest for all gamers who have been affected by the bugs and issues surrounding this game and for those who are loosing faith in bethesda's once great ability to create a awesome game world.


Please reply with your opinions, views ect but just remember if this is deleted (which it should not be, we have every right and freedom of speech to post this) it shall live on as this will not be the only forums this is posted.


If your interested in the petition and wish to sign up should it go ahead please leave a reply here

Edited by thelonewarrior
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*sigh* people seem to conjure up the weirdest of scenarios and then take them as reality.


The only thing Steam does for mods is that mods can be integrated with Steam [presumably upon meeting certain conditions, etc...]. It means that people who are afraid of modding because it'll screw up their computers "or it's complicated" could have access to mods, and let Steam update them and resolve conflicts, etc... If you don't want to use Steam for mods, then don't use it. As for the topic of charging for mods, that is just ludicrous. Bethesda does not own the mods, so cannot charge for it, but since they are based on Bethesda's intellectual property, neither can anyone else.


So again, for the umpteenth time, mods will stay free. And even if they somehow weren't for whatever reason, no one forces anyone to charge for mods. The only thing signing this petition accomplish is building a list of people who make as much sense as Truthers.

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Yes and what I said was that IF bethesda continue to screw up, meaning IF they do mess up things with the construction set, im getting a head start now so that in 2 months time I can say we are ready to do this.


No one can deny that the patch messed up more than it fixed, bethesda knew this, yet still released it, theres no way they couldnt have known when it was released on the PS3....ooo loads of bugs.....I know lets just give it to PC gamers as well and hope these bugs dont appear a day later....


And regarding steam with Mods, believe me we will have no choice, NO MATTER what settings you put on steam, such as dont automatically connect, dont update etc it ALWAYS finds a way to do it, its going to be the same with the construction set and most people know it.

Whether you want to or not, its going to interfere with modding

Edited by thelonewarrior
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A petition assumes Bethesda care what people think, they don't.


Well that's why you aren't just saying 'Hey Bethesda, we are butthurt that you guys don't listen to us'


You hit them where it hurts, their pockets (and if you know some of them their groins)


That's why the OP said the petition would be an agreement to boycott Bethesda's releases for 2 years. Were they to release any form of DLC in those 2 years or something that is for the main market, they would feel the loss of those who signed and upheld their agreement. However this would need more than just a thousand or so people to sign in on, because otherwise they will still be able to take it in stride and rip a profit from the whole ordeal. Another thing is that, realistically, you won't get all of the people who signed the petition to uphold their agreement unless it is a hand written signature that binds them by law to do what is presented upon the contract that is within the terms and conditions of signing the petition.


So while this is good idea under ideal circumstances in a world where people kept their promises, in today's world and society, you won't be able to successfully mount an offensive against a corporation who has so many blindly following sheep to buy their products no matter the quality.


Just look at the Modern Warfare series of games.

Edited by HoovesDerpy
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It may not do any good, but may keep other dev's from doing the same thing. Where do I sign!

It is on Beth for they chose the association with Steam.

It is on us, we agreed, just to be able to play a game.

Steam is a business just trying to eak out a meager profit......hahahahahaha!

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