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Elf Ears


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I've never understood why an increasingly large number of modders

put on elf ears that stick straight out to the side. Personally I like

the old style, medium size, that stick up and stick close to the

side of the head.


'Course, I suppose it'd be amusing if the ears

that stick out were large and floppy. Modders could probably do

that now. Lol! That'd be hilarious. I can see it now: Beautiful, ethereal

elf woman, full of grace, moving like a prima-ballerina, and pointy, floppy,

elephant size ears sticking out the side Hmmm, seems to me that I've seen a mod where the

author did that. Now, where was it... ?

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It is the Japanese style which is very popular right now. Personally, like you (and being a student of Faerie Lore myself), I like the traditional Western style.



The Rabbit


As do I...obviously. On occasion I've been a bit too free with Anti-Anime rant. A tendency which I work to curtail as it's likely not at all useful,

particularly here on the Nexus. Ah well, curbing my tongue is a personal goal, most difficult to achieve. (My wife would be most forthcoming

on that topic.) I really, really need to learn how to do fomods, that way I'd be able to illustrate my own vision of what's right and proper. Others

do, so why not. Sigh, easier said than done.

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