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crashing to desktop constantly when fast travel


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after I started using the 4gb skyrim "mod", I havent had crashes at all and I can play fine with low, medium and high graphic settings with mods.

though I dont know if that will help everyone who appears to have the same issue. might worth a try.


im not quite sure when I started to get the crash to desktop, but it might have been around patch 1.2, or the messed up patch before that.

tbh I stopped to care about when I got the problem or what might be the cause of it after I started to use the 4gb skyrim mod, which made the game work perfectly fine ever after. so far :)

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Whenever fast travel is used I constantly get kicked out of the game to the steam interface which is extremely irritating


Are you using the Full 3D world map mod? (Really just an INI edit.)


That can cause flat CTD's when trying to fast travel.



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After Steam rolled out it's past update I found that I could no longer fast travel from within the Skyrim map and experienced other keyboard and mouse issues. Ugh!


I found the offending file that was causing the controls to go haywire. In your Program files/Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim/Data folder, find the file named "Skyrim - Interface.bsa".


You have to copy the original file over that one. Obviously, if you don't have the original, this doesn't help you. But you could probably do a fresh install of Skyrim to a different directory and then grab the Interface.bsa file from within the data folder and copy it over the offending one within the Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim/Data folder.


This may or may not have something to do with your issue, but it may help.


Good Luck,


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