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Viable Daggers


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i agree simply for the reason that its misleading, after all, the enchant says one handed weapons, and daggers are a weapon... that i hold with 1 hand...


though personally i haven't found any issues with not getting 1 hit stealth kills, even on expert without dark brotherhood gauntlets on, are you using 1 handed power attacks while stealthed? it really helps



Yea this is a far better reason to fix things. The rest I feel is just incompetence. I am level 50 and haven't had any trouble killing people with my daggers, in fact I have no enchantments so my daggers do more damage than my swords. I use poisons instead, which tend to be very potent.


I have had to step away from only one assassination thus far, and that was the leader of the thalmor cult in Markarth. I stalked him for a day to try and find out when he sleeps.. he just goes into a back room and sits in a chair with two body guards who randomly switch chairs around a long table. Stabbing was out of the question, so I needed a poisoned arrow. None of my potions were strong enough so I just reloaded my save and backed off, realizing i needed to train harder and come back.


It depends a lot on what or who you are trying to sneak attack. Some are simply stronger and it won't work, use your best tool.. your brain and figure out how to take everybody out with the least effort possible like a true assassin.


and if all else fails, you can always use illusion magic xD


nothing is more fun than watching your enemies do your work for you, then to reward the victor with a kill shot to the skull.


its really a thief "must have" if you plan on doing master difficulty, invisibility and fury spells work wonders on groups of difficult enemies.

on top of that, if your sneaks at 100 and you have the last perk, you can slash someone, go invisible and crouch, forcing them to look for you (and ultimately fail)

Edited by mjpalmer
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let me tell you my own experience with this.


I made a heavy armor user with shield and 1-handed axe and put all the perks in heavy armor tree. then in sneak tree so it means I have the perk or making heavy armor weightless, it's like my character is naked. In sneak tree I got the 6x perk and in the other side of the same skill tree) I got up to the one that makes your armor lose weight or something 50%, now as a heavy armor user with 1-h axe and shield I can sneak everything I want and 1-hit kill if attack while sneaking. I play on master mode.

Edited by domaik
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let me tell you my own experience with this.


I made a heavy armor user with shield and 1-handed axe and put all the perks in heavy armor tree. then in sneak tree so it means I have the perk or making heavy armor weightless, it's like my character is naked. In sneak tree I got the 6x perk and in the other side of the same skill tree) I got up to the one that makes your armor lose weight or something 50%, now as a heavy armor user with 1-h axe and shield I can sneak everything I want and 1-hit kill if attack while sneaking. I play on master mode.


what level is your character?


any character pretty much evolves into a do it all (but one) character, so long as you level up your blacksmithing and enchanting. you can hit armor cap with dragon scale armor (light armor) rather easily without placing more than 3 points in your entire light armor tree, (you get more mobility fast, but you wait longer for defense cap, while with heavy armor, you hit armor cap fast, but don't get full mobility until much later) with enchanting, you can make yourself do a bunch of damage with weapons that you didn't even level, and even make 2 schools of magic use 0 mana.


classes aren't so much about the end, but rather the journey to the end, because the end is always just the player becoming some crazy over powered monster that just bear blasts anything in anyway he/she wants too, even on master difficulty.

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with enchanting, you can make yourself do a bunch of damage with weapons that you didn't even level, and even make 2 schools of magic use 0 mana.
How do I do this? Started an alt, and would like to try this.


Get enchanting to one hundred, get dual enchantment perk, get any other relevant bonuses, enchant set of items with reduce mana cost enchantments.

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Lol, fail OP is fail. Daggers are overpowered not underpowered. Sure in combat they suck, but for stealth they are broken.


My main character is an assassin type character. Here is a tip, sneak behind you're target and tap the right hand attack button, no don't do a power attack or a twin slice, just a tap of the main hand attack button. This preforms a animated assassination that is always a silent 1-hit kill, this only works on humans though. Also if you want to go stealth, A: Become a vampire, you are 25% harder to detect while sneaking. B: Spend you're perks on the Sneak tree, first branching right for sneak attack power and after that go left for things that make you harder to see. DO NOT NEGLECT THE FIRST STEALTH PERK, Spec 5 into it, it is the most useful perk for an assassin. C: Spec into 1h weapons (there is an awesome attack speed buff for duel-wielding, also at 1h lvl 70 there is a perk that gives you a permenent 50% plus damage if you are duel-wielding). Always carry a set of other weapons with you, I keep a Falmer Sword and a Blades Sword on me at all times. Hot-bar them. D: If you can't hold you're own in combat, spec into light armor. E: Magic is bad for sneaking. Don't use it if you want to stay stealthy. I use Resto magic to keep my health up, only do this in or out of combat, not while sneaking. F: Use the Shrouded Armor from the Dark Brotherhood. It has the best bonuses for an assassin.


My character is a lvl 23 Nord/Vampire Assassin. I am using Elven Dagger and the Blades Sword for sneaking.

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Ok, two things jump out at me while reading this thread:


1) I'd like to see daggers get the 1-hand bonus as well for most of the previously stated reasons - mainly because I'm playing an assassin and I'd prefer not to waste my encumbrance points on carrying extra swords for my relatively rare moments of CQC.


2) Step off, kids! This is a "mod request" forum not a "critique how other people play the game" forum. If you don't have anything constructive to add to the actual topic (you know, the request), then go post somewhere else. I'm sure there's a "tips and hints" forum someplace where you can tell other people about how much better than them you are.

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