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Quality Implemented Explosives


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Lets face it, explosives in Fallout 4 are some of the dullest weapons that you'd only use against one big mutha, or a cluster of enemies. Outlined below are some ideas I had that could spice up the explosives weapon list.


1. The biggest item on the list should be remote/satchel charges. These explosives existed in Fallout: NV, so why not implement them in Fallout 4. I was thinking they could use the Military Ammo Bag as the throwable item like a mine, and just re-texture an energy weapon or something for the detonator. Since I have no experience modding I have no clue how difficult it might be to set up one of those things to trigger the other but this was one of my favorite weapons in Fallout: NV.

  • Additionally it'd be cool if you could place these on walls/ceilings the way a player can place kind of like the power conduits in the build mode.
  • Another thing would be if they could have an optional briefcase skin for the bombs.


2. The second thing should be secondary effects of certain explosives. Ever notice how the Fragmentation Grenades don't actually toss off any fragments? I was thinking actors in a 5 meter radius should probably be bleeding if they didn't have any cover; same thing with frag, and bottlecap mines(x2). I also discovered that the cryo grenades don't actually freeze anyone, they just slow em down. Now as realistic as that is, it's nowhere near as fun as executing enemies trapped helplessly in a frozen state, and I think it would be a far cooler more awesome effect to see instead.

  • It'd also be cool to see some various grenade types materialize here, things like: Gas Grenades(Grenades that have little to no damage, but create a poison cloud.), Stun Grenades(Stagger/knockdown, blinding effects)


3. Finally, I can see this as just me being bad at certain grenade tosses, but it'd be cool if you could create grenades(at stations) to have certain timers. As far as I can tell the currently implemented grenades have a fuse time of about 3 seconds, which leaves the player little to no wiggle room if they've made a bad toss. So it'd be nice to be able to craft grenades that have longer timers.

  • Other tosses seem like they'd only go over well with an impact detonating grenades. Where enemies might be charging you through a corridor and you don't have the time to literally wait 3 seconds for a kaboom.
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