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Eye request


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I'm very specific on how I want my character to look. I tried to do this myself but alas, I lack the skill necessary to make it good :(

Did anyone here watched the movie "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole "? I fell in love with Nyra's eyes and I wish I could have them on my elf. The red markings are awsome too btw...

I attached a pic of Nyra, you shoud click on it because its actually bigger than it shows.


Thank you in advance :)






PS: I tried to look around to see if there was any eye request thread, but I couldn't find any, so I assume, this is ok :P

And forgive me for my english, its not my native tongue.

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Which elf race and which eye color would you like it to replace? Also, the red markings can be made by a warpaint tint mask retexture, so you can have both.

I'll bookmark this thread so I can check for your reply. :)


EDIT: Image removed to conserve bandwidth.

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Which elf race and which eye color would you like it to replace? Also, the red markings can be made by a warpaint tint mask retexture, so you can have both.

I'll bookmark this thread so I can check for your reply. :)


EDIT: Something like this?



Oh my! It looks wonderfull :O

Thank you very much for taking the request, I'm currently a bosmer but if you feel like using it for other races as well, please go ahead, maybe other people will like it too :)


PS: Oh and if you need to replace any bosmer eye color, pick up the dark violet one, I don't like that one and I think its one of the least used by other people as well( so I assume xD)

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Give this a go and see what you think... the warpaint overwrite female bosmer warpaint 07.



See for yourself ;)





I think its amazing as it is :) but a little too shiny/bright, :P but that's no big deal.

Thank you again for taking your time to do this!

Ebony mail here I come, and then I'm going to take the throne of Skyrim for myself!!! Oh, I can't do that? Booo!

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Wow your character looks fantastic! Such smooth skin and those eyes look great on her! You do fantastic work Mr Dave!


Thank you ^^

Mods I used by installation order:


1. Xenius Character Enhancement

2. Beauty Faces for females

3. Eyebrows Match Hair

4. Telthalions Finer Hair (Desaturated)





Mr. Dave, if you have any mods on the Nexus, I would like to check them :)

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Hehe I can't do anything about the shine. That's how they set up eyes in their games. There isn't any specular map to go with them.

What I have so far for mods..

Eyes: Skyrim


Texture Resource


Subliminal Traps


And once I feel comfortable enough with how many items I have built for it, Bob's Armory: Skyrim



I also have some commercial content that shipped with the game, but it's just texture stuff.


EDIT: With any luck, Bob's won't just be weapons and shields. I have a few ideas for armor and clothing, but it's a matter of how well I can skin it for their rigging. If it causes bad issues, such as we have already with the vanilla content, then I'll dismiss it and just stick with the hard surface stuff.

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