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Vampires won't attack


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I want to start by saying I haven't used this forum before and so apologize if I am doing something wrong. I am having an issue that I am not having success in figuring out so I'm hoping someone here can help!


I noticed a while back that vampires don't seem to attack me unless I attack them first. Even if they see me slay another vampire right in front of them they don't react. I figure I must have somehow ended up stuck as a friendly to some vampire faction but don't know how to fix that. I tried starting a new game with all my mods active and then used the console to summon a vampire and it attacked me which seems to imply it is not an issue with one of my current mods. Anyone know how I can get on the vampire's bad side again?

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There is just a few options for the culprit....Either A) A mod you currently use puts your PC on the "vampirefriendlyfaction" list or B) a mod you used in the past has put your PC on that faction list. It's difficult to say without a loadorder. You can post your loadorder on Modwat.ch


Get this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58057/?


And check which factions your PC belongs to. Post the results here. From there we can manually try and remove your PC from a faction. It looks a bit like there is something messed up with either the Vampirefactionlist or the vampirecrimefaction list.

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