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The US justice system.


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If you are going to sentence someone to 20+ years, you may as well just execute them, instead of providing them with food, shelter, health care for that amount of time.


I think a 3 strikes and your out system would be great. 3 repeat felonies, and you get a lethal injection. There is no rehabilitation for repeat offenders, may as well just execute them.

Is that sarcasm?


If not, to get this clear you are saying...


- Long term is imprisonment is equal to execution in every case.


- Repeat offenders should be executed with no exceptions after three crimes.

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Because you can't compare hundreds of years of differing people, cultures, and governments... it’s like comparing apples and oranges.


If you feel you can justify selling harmful drugs like these then so be it... I don’t. They kill or cause permanent damage to the body and I can’t picture recognizing a government that allows the sale of these drugs and still expects to hold the authority to regulate companies that would try and use other harmful substances in their products.


These programs do exist but they are usually at the behest of counties and short term elected officials. They are backed by however much funding they can gather and are not protected from being shut down at a moments notice. They often fail to bad management, poor funding, or lack of support/enthusiasm.


This is all due to broken justice and if you think the same government that can’t handle these things can handle the safe and legal sale of these drugs then I believe you’re wrong. Can you picture an addictive multimillion dollar empire regulated by OUR politicians? It’s got greed and money written all over it.


If you want to set these other countries as an example, point to their structure of government rather than their drugs legal statuses. I would rather try a restructuring of crime and punishment for drug users than jump the gun and just declare drugs legal because it “seems to work for them...”

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I think a 3 strikes and your out system would be great. 3 repeat felonies, and you get a lethal injection. There is no rehabilitation for repeat offenders, may as well just execute them.

What a wonderful idea, so if I steal someone's mail three times I get executed!


Why is this thread titled "The US justice system" when it's about the US penal system?


If you knew you would get executed for committing 3 felonies, would you still do it?




Is that sarcasm?


If not, to get this clear you are saying...


- Long term is imprisonment is equal to execution in every case.


Unless you can come up with a reason why the tax payers should give every criminal with a sentence for 20+ years food, shelter and medical care for 20+ years, I'm listening. Most states you have to murder someone in cold blood, or rape a child to get 20+ years, and year either one of those cases IMO should be death.


- Repeat offenders should be executed with no exceptions after three crimes.


3 felonies, not just any crime. In case you don't understand what a felony is, its a serious crime.


Our justice system is too lenient. Mostly due to political correctness, and the insane ideas that most people should be rehabilitated instead of punished. Strict punishment provides a deterrent for criminals, makes them think twice before committing that crime. Most criminals are just going to LOL when they find out instead of jail time they get rehabilitation and then think they can just go back out on the street and do it again and get another slap on the wrist.

Edited by Beriallord
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If you are going to sentence someone to 20+ years, you may as well just execute them, instead of providing them with food, shelter, health care for that amount of time.


I think a 3 strikes and your out system would be great. 3 repeat felonies, and you get a lethal injection. There is no rehabilitation for repeat offenders, may as well just execute them.


Well first of all, the legal process of executions often costs more than lifetime imprisonment because of the waiting time and the mandatory appeal processes. Not sure if you realize it but court costs are HUGE.


Secondly, that sounds too insane to be true. All a corrupt government or government official would have to do is set someone up and problem solved forever. These laws protect us just as much from the government than each other.

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If you are going to sentence someone to 20+ years, you may as well just execute them, instead of providing them with food, shelter, health care for that amount of time.


I think a 3 strikes and your out system would be great. 3 repeat felonies, and you get a lethal injection. There is no rehabilitation for repeat offenders, may as well just execute them.


Well first of all, the legal process of executions often costs more than lifetime imprisonment because of the waiting time and the mandatory appeal processes. Not sure if you realize it but court costs are HUGE.


Secondly, that sounds too insane to be true. All a corrupt government or government official would have to do is set someone up and problem solved forever. These laws protect us just as much from the government than each other.


We need a leaner, stricter justice system. Especially strict toward murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc. Those 3 get no rehabilitation.


Although I do think fighting the war on drugs is a losing battle, and its costing more money as well as filling our prisons up with mostly drug offenders. Personally I think they should stick to going after the ones dealing it, not so much the ones with just a small bag of cocaine or something on them.

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Because you can't compare hundreds of years of differing people, cultures, and governments... it’s like comparing apples and oranges.


If you feel you can justify selling harmful drugs like these then so be it... I don’t. They kill or cause permanent damage to the body and I can’t picture recognizing a government that allows the sale of these drugs and still expects to hold the authority to regulate companies that would try and use other harmful substances in their products.


These programs do exist but they are usually at the behest of counties and short term elected officials. They are backed by however much funding they can gather and are not protected from being shut down at a moments notice. They often fail to bad management, poor funding, or lack of support/enthusiasm.


This is all due to broken justice and if you think the same government that can’t handle these things can handle the safe and legal sale of these drugs then I believe you’re wrong. Can you picture an addictive multimillion dollar empire regulated by OUR politicians? It’s got greed and money written all over it.


If you want to set these other countries as an example, point to their structure of government rather than their drugs legal statuses. I would rather try a restructuring of crime and punishment for drug users than jump the gun and just declare drugs legal because it “seems to work for them...”

Why put trust in the government to properly help addicts after a arrest then?


Also what about alcohol? Alcohol is a hard drug as well.

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If you knew you would get executed for committing 3 felonies, would you still do it?



you sound like you assume people commit crime just for kicks


Reasons for committing the crime don't matter.


of course it matters.

the world is unfair.

you cant expect people to just accept that they were "pre chosen" to starve to death.

"sorry buddy. i was meant to live past 50, you werent. bite it."


the vast majority of crime happens because people are forced into that kind of life. further punishing them with a lifetime in prison makes absolutely no sense, and to me it only speaks of sadistic snobbery in the minds of the lawmakers.

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