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GameBarPresenceWriter and FO4 - Windows 10


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So, lately, I've been experiencing issues with FO4 not loading areas and the game just hangs. When this happens, the only thing I can do is close the game via the task manager. I've noticed that every time this happens, GameBarPresenceWriter.exe is running at over 1gig memory and over 35% CPU. Now, I can't say for sure that this is the culprit, but, until this started happening, I had never even seen or heard of this exe before. Apparently, it's an XBone thing that M$ has added to Win10. Well, I am not playing FO4 through Xbone.

Does anyone know a way to disable that exe, or a work around for it?

Edited by NCRForever
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So, I guess Win10 automatically makes an acct for you. However, when I login, there is nothing in the settings that shows that. So, I tried uninstalling the xbox app and that killed the start menu and search. Reinstalled the xbox app and both work again. But, still having issues with that damn gamebarpresencewriter.

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