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Most needed mods


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1. Enchantment overhaul.


2. Mounts with bags / companions have horses.


3. Faction vs faction. No joining all factions (intergrated quests make sense, thief guild > dark brotherhood. I had to do a mate quest to make entrance and complete the thief's guild)


4. Better underwater realism. Spearing fish would be good instead of just catching them.


5. Better rewards/loot. All enemies of the same type I.e archer, mate.. seem to use the same weapons, have the same loot!


6. Extended borders lol (morrowind etc).


7. Ability to engrave weapons with a blessing / runes / arcane power (spells such as fire, lightning etc.)


8. For bows / crossbows! / dart gun other weapons of this sort.. potent poisons able to be used on arrows / ammunition.. poison found in very hard places on very posionous beasts / animals.. a chance of permanent ability disfigurement if not careful.


9. Better perk trees. Ability to concentrate on a few trees and not becoming a 'jack of all trades'.


10. Stat increments; not a selection of health, magician, stamina.. strength, charisma, intelligence and so on.


11. Better gods / alignments.


12. Hd Textures. Better weapons, more weapons. More weapons found on enemies.


Only my opinion!!

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1) better underwater effect


2) horse for follower of course


3) idle animation for player (maybe not really necessary, but it adds realism. maybe crossing hands, or whatever)


4) better head animation when you talk to npc in 3rd person (turning their head to the npc you talked.. seriously. we need that to realism)


5) faction war would be really GREAT! after you done stormcloaks and imperial thing, its kinda boring in skyrim.

Edited by anjinewabe
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