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Can't figure out the crashes.


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Hey guys we'll I've had a rough go of this game so far. 5 characters that have all had in game problems that have ruined the saves. My latest issue comes out of trying to solve crash issues after attempting to add in some graphic mods. For some reason my game CTDs after about 30 seconds if I try to add in an environmental graphic upgrade. I just does not seem to want to handle graphical upgrades to the environment. It'll handle ones to other items/characters etc. But if you upgrade a single blade of grass, or stone brick the game explodes. I've also been getting an increasing amount of CTD's from fast travel which has always been a problem I've had.


So I removed them using mod manager which is how I added them. Now I get a lot of CTD's. I only have two mods left. One that upgrades books the other is for faces. Neither are large but I'm still having tons of crashing issues, it's really frustrating. My computer should eat Skyrim for breakfast, I just built it in July. 8gb RAM, spanking new graphics card, i7 quad, heat sink cooling, p67 extreme mobo, 1.5Tb hard drive, tons of case fans, windows 7 64bit. Computer performance should not be an issue and yet I'm crashing like a toddler flying a 747.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Try going to Steam preferences and selecting it to run in offline mode. Steam is not exactly a gamer friendly interface. It is a well known entity for crashing to desktop sporadicly and without notice. If you want to keep Steam active, try uninstalling steam, restart your system then relaunch the steam installation application Edited by Brandy_123
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