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Im trying to install Vilja version 4. I have downloaded both the .esp and the .bsa files. When trying to convert to omod, add archive and select the .bsa file iit wont add. I checked the mod page and couldnt find any instructions. Any help getting this mod installed would be appreciated. Preferably into 1 mod if possible as .omod. Thanks
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Extract the two 7zip-files - one for the bsa and one for the current esp-version (4.04).


Drop the content - i.e. the bsa and the esp - in your Oblivion/Data folder.


Play the game and enjoy :).


That is all. No need to complicate it with convertions.




EDIT: In case you have further questions, there is a very active help-thread for Vilja .

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If you look through the file Vilja_Manual.html that was included with your download you'll find the answer to that and may other questions. You could also look through the Vilja comments thread, as that question is answered by Emma on about every fourth or fifth page of comments (I have no idea where she gets her patience from ... look at post # 4524 for the latest time she has answered what is clearly explained in the manual).
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Emma, this mod is fantastic, she's so witty, and talkative and very attractive. I adore her accent and her cheeky smile. She's just like a woman, hard to please, you say she's pretty and she doesn't believe you, you say she's fat and she takes offense. Oblivion was a bit tedious sometimes but not now with Vilja. Very well done, thankyou.

Is it possible to fall in love with an animated character? :)

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Thank you i have read the manual and comments section. I understand about giving her a ring. I have already given her a ring and myself wears an amulet. She refuses to wear the ring is all :) but that wasn't the question I asked. I asked if there was anyway to force Vilja to recognize the armor. AS in making the mod recognize another user created mod.
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The different rings in the vanilla game are designed for either left hand or right hand. Wearing two lefts or two rights isn't an issue for the player character (put on two lefts and you will still be wearing two rings and your character will display a ring on the left and a ring on the right). NPCs will only wear two rings if one is a left and the other is a right. If the ring is a vanilla ring and she's not wearing anything that is taking up a ring slot I'm not sure what the problem could be (a ton of mods including 'armor' mods use the ring, amulet and/or tail slots).


I created left and right for the rings I want companions and NPCs to wear so that they'd wear two rings with the enchantment combination I wanted.


- Edit - Just had a thought about your character and the amulet you think you're wearing. If the armor you're using also has a piece that uses the amulet spot (not at all uncommon), then it will automatically unequip your amulet and put it's piece in it's place. If that armor has zero value you are once again nude. You need to edit the armor's value in the Construction Set.

Edited by Striker879
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Yes I am wearing an amulet. The armor I dont believe it takes a ring slot but I could be wrong there. I know it doesnt take an amulet spot. But i would rather not wear one or have Vilja wear one if at all possible. Hence why I'm trying to alter either Vilja or Hentai Seaphim armor to recognize the other mod. Could i combine them in OMOD to solve this?
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