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Can't believe this - 'enblocal.ini' being overwritten.


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O.k. yesterday everything was fine. Turned my computer off, went to sleep.


Today I starded Skyrim, loaded last save - suddenly I had CTD. Started a new game but had an all white-green screen only the eyes of the initial character visible.


Meanwhile crashfixes threw an error message about wrong enblocal.ini settings. Opening skyrim folder I saw already that 'enblocal.ini' had the date of today - and in fact had to read only a few lines to discover this aren't my settings.


I can't believe this - something overwrote my enblocal.ini quite on starting the game with absurd values (f.e.: VideoMemorySizeMb=0).


No trolling, no joke. This really happened to me today.


I'm using Mod Organizer - but to my knowledge MO doesn't touch enblocal.ini.


Someone ever experienced the same? Any hint - what would cause this or how to search for the malicious something?




Can I turn 'enblocal.ini' 'read-only'?





Also 'enbseries.ini' was overwritten quite on starting Skyrim. Checked now other data in my skyrim folder by date - apart from log files these two seems to be the only ones beeing changed on start. Don't think there is an enb-specialized malware?

Edited by Albertinella
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Could figure it out. I installed a follower mod (from a korean site) that had the ENB settings in it. When I loaded the game my original enblocal.ini was read first, before it was overwritten by loading the mod. So the error didn't appear on first start and everything worked fine. But as enblocal.ini isn't handled by MO the overwrite was persistant. I didn't like the follower so I deleted the mod - but the overwrite remained in the skyrim folder.


So the changes took effect on the next start - when the mod itself already was deleted - and this gave me the impression of 'strange things going on'.


So, sorry. Much ado about nothing.

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