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I need the Legion to like me before I betray them.

Gaius Octavian

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Could use a little help here.


Basically, before I move too far ahead in the main quest, I need to get my reputation with Kaisar's Caesar's Legion to "liked" so I can gain access to the safe house to get the lucky shades and free armors (including the awesome Legion power armor mod stuff).


I need to do this without ruining my reputation with the NCR. I'm not adverse to doing harm to the NCR, but only as long as it doesn't ruin my rep.


So learning about any rep-giving side quests would be helpful. For one, I have the howitzer firing mechanism but I'm hesitant to give it because of what it'll do at the battle...is it that big of a deal when I'm going to throw the rest of my support behind the NCR?



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The Finger of Suspicion can be done with no NCR rep harm. You can then do "I put a spell on you" in favor of Legion and it wont do any harm to NCR rep.


You can fight in the Arena for quite a bit of Legion rep. (Should do this first.)


It might be possible to due House always wins II/Render onto Caesar part 1 in the bunker under the fort to get Legion fame. Save before doing what either House or Caesar wants as Im not 100% sure about this.


Also you can go to cotton wood and trade in NCR dog tags. I think you can pick pocket these but Ive never tried personally you can also scavenge them around McCarren. Just dont help them fight the fiends and they should get some casualties.


This should be everything you need to reach liked.

Edited by ModelV
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