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Cleaning up my mod "Mystic Fortress and Storage"


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Hello everyone,


I am newer to modding but I really enjoy it. However, I have been trying to clean up a mod that I created. The issue is with several(appears to be random) npcs that have lost their greetings. When I activate said npcs a large dialogue box appears that states "no greeting." I have been trying to discover the cause of this problem for several days with no progress. The mod that I created doesn't involve any new dialogue. However, when I open the CS I noticed that the Generic quests and the GREETING has an * next to it indicating that it has been altered.


Since my mod doesn't need to change or add any new dialogue, is there a way to reset or replace the current dialogue settings with the default ones? Please help. Thank you.

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The first thing to do would be to clean your mod and remove the edits to GREETING which you had no intention of making. The CS is a buggy unreliable program, and these edits may have spontaneously occurred even if you were using best practices and even if you did not go anywhere near GREETING while modding.


The CS is buggy in regards to GREETING and often can't even modclean edits to it out of a mod. So if your attempt at cleaning with the CS fails, then clean this part of your mod with TES4Edit.


If the manual modcleaning fails to correct the problem, then we can move on to discussing other reasons why characters may have no GREETING.

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I am unfamilliar with TES4edit. I will look into it and see if I can find a solution that way. Thanks for the quick reply. I will keep you posted.


Just read the TES4Edit article on CSwiki. I think that this will help out a lot. Thanks.

Edited by hunzikiller
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Thanks Striker. No I have not seen that article. I will check it out and see if I can figure out what is causing the problems. I followed the instructions for cleaning the mod automatically with TES4Edit. However, I either did something wrong or it didn't work. Thanks again for all of the help. I will let you guys know if this works.
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Ok I was able to run the TES4Editor. It significantly reduced the size of the mod. My mod is now only like 133KB and it was 2.3MB. So thats good news. The bad news is that it is still giving me the error with the greeting. So I have a favor to ask. Would anyone be willing to try and figure out what is causing this? I know that this isn't anyone else's responsibillity, but I would really appreciate it.



Here is a link to my mod if anyone is interested.


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I did a search on the Construction Set Wiki that turned up a couple of links you may or may not have seen:


Fixing the AddTopic Bug

I Do Not Have A Greeting Text


The search for 'I have no greeting' also turned up a number of tutorials I haven't listed here, that may give you an idea of where you've gone astray.

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I downloaded your mod to look at it in the CS, and it is really really dirty. It does not look like you did the manual modcleaning. It looks like you only did the automatic modcleaning in TES4Edit. That type of modcleaning mostly only works for making mods look compatible with each others on error reports. It did reduce file size greatly, which was a good thing, but when you have a known piece of mod dirt like GREETING causing actual errors in the game, you need to go in and manually modclean it out.


Some of the mod dirt you still have:



Practically every single script in the game

A bunch of vendor chests




Various exterior cells

Various other dirty edits.


The vendor chests might be an intentional edit, but if so, you should change it and not do it that way. Give the vendors additional chests. Don't mess with the additional one. Other modders mess with the same chest, and only one mod wins. So if three mods add cool swords to a vender chest, you will go play the game, and only one of the swords will be available because the three mods conflict and two of them get broken.


It would be wise to manually clean this mod before trying to diagnose no GREETING.


What are the names of the NPCs with no GREETING?

Edited by David Brasher
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