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More caps for Underwater Home vendor


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If you're like me, you find the Underwater Home mod perfect, but there's just one problem I personally have with it: the Vendortron in the weapons and ammo display room never has enough caps, requiring a lengthy trudge out to the Gun Runners shack just so I can offload loot.


For years now, I've been using a mod that makes it so every time you initiate trade with one of several vendors (but most notably the Gun Runners' Vendortron), they have 30,000 caps to trade with, making them perfect for selling lots of jury rig-repaired weapons or the Sierra Madre gold if you're that kind of player.


What I'm getting around to is this: would it be possible for someone to make a mod for the Underwater Home that replenishes the Underwater Home merchant's caps? The other mod I spoke of is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45163/


Big thanks to anyone who even takes a look at this. If nothing else, I'll look at both mods in GECK and give it a try for myself, though so far, that route has only led to heartbreak. :tongue:

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