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Problems while Enchanting


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Hey I have a question, why degrade the values ​​of objects when enchanting?


For example, shoes with 44 arms I want to enchant with +20% damage 1hand.

Question 1: Why are only +15 at the end out of it, even if I take one mighty stone?

Question 2: Why has the shoe after only 23 armor?


The same happens also with weapons, if I enchant + fire damage, only about 2 / 3 of base damage are left?



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I have heard that it does degrade your items like that, when doing some enchants. might have something to do with your smithing and/or enchanting skill. :thumbsup: ill try and find out by searching.


only really thing i could find is that if you doing armor are you putting the set back on? i just seen many people didn't do that and the extra bonus was from their light/heavy armor perks. also few said save and reload that save. :huh:

Edited by Guss
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Maybe you are changing gear? The bonus for skills and items is expressed in the Base damage of the weapon.


Base 20 damage sword + 3x +30% One Hand gear = 38 damage sword


Oops just reread, you are doing armor. Try reworking the shoes with Smithing?

Edited by GrimJahk
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If I understand your question right, I think it's because you have previously used smithing to enhance your item? In that case, if you try to enchant it without having the proper smithing perk, the smith enhancement will fall off. Thus - you switch the smith enhancement for the enchantment. Get the perk and you can have both.
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